The Anglican Life resources reflect institutional and doctrinal relationships within the worldwide Anglican Communion and between the Anglican Church of Canada and other Christian denominations. This includes books on current and recent past issues in the ACC, Anglican and interdenominational reports, and general interest books about different aspects of Anglicanism.

Below you will find a graphic showing where the Anglican Life print resources are located in the Resource Centre, followed by an Author/Editor/Publisher list and abstracts for individual resources. We use a simple dot navigation system to move to different sections of the page (see the grey bar to the right of the page). Each dot takes you to a new section, from top to bottom of the page.

 On this page, you will find authors and abstracts from A to G. For the page with authors and abstracts from H to Z, click here.

Anglican Life print resources may be found on the top shelf of the second set of shelves at the left wall of the Resource Centre as you enter.


No Author (ABC: Anglican Book Centre)
No Author (ACC: Anglican Church of Canada)
No Author (ACCo: Anglican Consultative Council)
No Author (ARCa: Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission/ARCIC
No Author (CCCB: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)
No Author (DNS: Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island)
No Author (Na-: Miscellaneous)
No Author (SPC: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge)

By Author:

Bass, Diana Butler
Baycroft, John
Bays, Eric
Bays, Patricia
Bicknell, E. J.
Brady, Graeme A.
Buchanan, Colin
; Lloyd, Trevor; and Miller, Harold, eds.
Byron-Davies, Jane; and Byron-Davies, Peter, eds

Colquhoun, Frank 
Countryman, L. William
Cox, R. David 
Craston, Colin, ed.

Davies, Sid; and Davies, Muriel
Douglas, Ian T.
; and Zahl, Paul F.M.
Dowell, Susan; and Williams, Jane
Dunn, Greig; and Ambidge, Chris, eds.

Edwards, David L.
Egerton, George, ed.
Eves, George R.

Fackre, Gabriel; and Root, Michael

Gardner, Paul; Wright, Chris; and Green, Chris
Gibson, Paul
Giles, Richard
          Green, Chris (see Gardner, Paul)
Griffiss, James E., series ed.; Johnston, Michael, author

ABSTRACTS in alphabetical order for ANGLICAN LIFE: In this section, find books listed as No Author, beginning with those shelved alphabetically by publisher and ending with miscellaneous items. These are shelved first, followed by books shelved alphabetically by author.


No Author (ABC: Anglican Book Centre)


Called to Full Communion: A Study Resource for Lutheran-Anglican Relations               
Anglican Book Centre
No abstract.


No Author (ACC: Anglican Church of Canada)

ACC AL008                               BOOKLET 
An Anglican Basis for Interfaith Encounters
1986             25 p.      
Anglican Church of Canada, World Religions Subcommittee
Guidelines provided to serve as a basis for an Anglican response to interfaith dialogue.

An Historical Introduction to the Study of The Canon Law of the Anglican Church of Canada 1965              
Anglican Church of Canada         1965           122 p.
Harris, R. V., QC      
This book by a former Chancellor of the Diocese of Nova Scotia attempts to correlate and codify all Provincial and Diocesan Canon Law of the time in the ACC. It was produced from the work done by the General Synod Commission on Canon Law.

ACC AL059 
The Ordination of Women to the Priesthood: A Consultative Document Presented by the Advisory Council for the Church’s Ministry
Church Information Office 1972 87 pp. SC
Anglican Church of Canada
In June 1971 the Standing Committee of the General Synod of the Anglican Church asked for the advice of the Advisory Council and the Council for Women’s Ministry in the Church on a resolution recently passed by the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) at Limuru, on the question of ordination of women to the priesthood. Given the short timetable, Miss Christian Howard was invited instead to produce a survey of current opinion about the ordination of women. In order to achieve a fair balance in presentation three theologians were made available to her as consultants. This report was forwarded to the General Synod as a consultative document, intended to provide background information in a convenient form for the Synod, and not to anticipate an answer on the question itself. The Advisory Council did express the view that with publication of its report the time was right for the Church to proceed with a full and open consideration of the issue, with a view to coming to a decision in time for the ACC meeting in 1975.



No Author (ACCo: Anglican Consultative Council)


ACCo AL012 
The Time Is Now
1971              70 p.  
Anglican Consultative Council       
Covers the first meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council at Limuru, Kenya, from February 23rd to March 5th, 1971.


ACCo AL014                BOOKLET  
Towards a Theology for Inter-Faith Dialogue
1986                      56 p.  
Anglican Consultative Council       
Originated as a report to the General Synod of the Church of England, published in 1984, and written as an exploration into a new and sensitive area for Christians in England. The numerous responses received indicate its value as a starting point. It was supplemented with important new material and offered to the whole  Anglican Communion for study and reflection before Lambeth 1988.

ACCo AL015 
For the Sake of the Kingdom: God’s Church and the New Creation
1986                      65 p.  
Anglican Consultative Council       
(Prepared by the Inter-Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission) Anglicans have traditionally supported the State and thought little about other religions. Are beliefs like this too diverse even for Anglicanism? Can Anglicans maintain their integrity? The Anglican Consultative Council asked 15 theologians from around the world to look at the question.


ACCo AL018 
The Emmaus Report: A Report of the Anglican Ecumenical Consultation 1987
1987                   155 p.         
Anglican Consultative Council – Anglican Ecumenical Consultation       
This report from the Consultation, held in January and February 1987, offers a survey of past Lambeth pronouncements on the unity of the Church, and an in-depth analysis of Anglican responses to ARCIC and BEM, together with an account of relations with other partners. 


 ACCo AL022                     BOOKLET 
Trustworthy and True
1988                     24 p.         
Anglican Consultative Council
This resource contains pastoral letters from Lambeth 1988.

ACCo AL029
Conversations Around the World, 2000 – 2005
Anglican Consultative Council
This report covers the international conversations between the Anglican Communion and the Baptist World Alliance over a five-year period.


ACCo AL043                  BOOKLET
Church as Communion: An Agreed Statement by the Second Anglican-Roman
Catholic International Commission ARCIC II              
Anglican Consultative Council    1991    
The document is a joint statement of ARCIC II, rather than an authoritative declaration by the Roman Catholic Church or by the Anglican Communion. It encourages Anglicans and Roman Catholics locally to continue searching for steps by which “concrete expression can be given” to the communion shared by the two faiths.

ACCo AL068 
Mission in a Broken World: Report of the ACC-8 Wales 1990
Church House Publishing 1990 186 pp. SC
Anglican Consultative Council
The summer of 1990 was a time of international turmoil, including civil war in Liberia and a massive buildup of forces in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. It was very much as a family that the 63 members of the ACC, representing 33 Churches or Provinces, together with their officers, met under the presidency of the Archbishop of Canterbury in July and August. This book provides a full report of the Council’s activities and proceedings. In stating its concern for creation as a whole, ACC-8 set an agenda for the transformation of society and the life and role of the church. It showed how Christian spirituality must provide the ground in which concepts of justice are rooted and the existing order is challenged on behalf of the weak and suffering.


 ACCo AL070                  BOOKLET (missing)
Report of The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Commission on Communion and Women in the Episcopate 1989
Church House Publishing                   1989                      43 p.
Anglican Consultative Council
As the Church wrestled with the divisive issue of ordination of women as bishops, there was concern that various provinces, dioceses, and bishops should respect the decisions of, and remain in communion with, others who took a position different from theirs. The commission was appointed to help facilitate that purpose. The report first of all examines the nature of the communion as revealed in the mystery of God the Holy Trinity. In the second section it looks at the nature of koinonia within the Anglican Community. The third section considers the question of communion and women in the episcopate. Finally, on the basis of the theology of communion expounded in the earlier sections, it offers pastoral guidelines to the Archbishop of Canterbury and his fellow Primates of the Anglican Communion in accordance with its mandate.



No Author (ARCa: Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission/ARCIC)


ARCa AL002                           BOOKLET (missing)
Agreed Statement of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada on the
Experience of the Ministries of Women in Canada
1991                       24 p. 
Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada
Offers a reflection on the experience of the ministries of women in Canada – surveys the various ministries of women as they have evolved in the two communions in Canada, and considers the present state of the Canadian theological reflection on the role of women in the Church.

ARCa AL004                           BOOKLET
Life In Christ: Morals, Communion and the Church (An Agreed Statement by
the Second Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission)
1994                    41 p.  
Anglican-Roman Catholic – Second International Commission
The first such statement from any international theological dialogue on moral issues, it describes a vision of the Christian life and its moral implications which is shared at root by Anglicans and Roman Catholics.  On only two moral issues is there documented disagreement between our communions.  This Agreed Statement offers the Churches new possibilities in working together so that they may speak with one voice on the essential moral issues which face our contemporary world.


ARCa AL009                         BOOKLET
Reception of the Final Report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International
Commission (ARCIC)
1985                   48 p.       
ARC Dialogue of Canada receives the Final Report with deep appreciation and hope. Its conclusions echo many that are shared, and its common perspective represents an important stage of agreement in the journey towards the full union of the two communions.


ARCa AL013
ARCIC: The Final Report (Windsor, September 1981)
1982                    122 p.  
Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission       
Offered to the Churches of the Anglican Communion and to the Roman Catholic Church for their serious consideration. In due course both Churches will have to decide whether the agreements contained in this Report are generally consonant with the faith of Anglicans and Roman Catholics and whether they provide a sufficient basis for the next step towards unity.


No Author (Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island)

DNS AL054                     BOOKLET
Guidelines for Discussion:
Diocese of Nova Scotia Human Sexuality Task Group.
Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island          1996                   12 p.            SC
A guideline for discussing the various issues about human sexuality facing the Church, such as the awareness of the broad range of sexuality in humans, gay and lesbian marriages, a summary of the context and an outline of the main topics to be addressed as an established approach to resource study by the Diocese of NS and PEI Human Sexuality Task Group.


No Author (Miscellaneous)

Na- AL047                       BOOKLET
The Marriage Canon: On Marriage in the Church
ABC Publishing 2004                    44 p.                         SC
No author 

Na- AL050                       BOOKLET  
Pastoral Guidelines for Interchurch Marriages between Anglicans and Roman Catholics in Canada
CCCB Publications Service                   1987                       38 p. (2 x 19 p.)
National Anglican-Roman Catholic Bishops’ Dialogue
Authorized by The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and The House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada, this statement was prepared for Anglican and Roman Catholic clergy and laity. The prayerful hope is that the partners in marriages between the two denominations will be encouraged to deepen their own faith commitment and to grow in respect for that of the other, while seeking to provide their children with a truly fruitful Christian education.

Na- AL095  
Sacred Expressions: A Collection of Art by and for Anglicans
General Synod                     2007                   48 p.                   SC
No author.
A call for submissions by artists from across Canada resulted in hundreds of entries, all exploring the General Synod 2007 theme of “Draw the Circle Wide, Draw It Wider Still.” Fifty pieces were selected and displayed on the projection screen throughout General Synod. They are featured in the pages of this book.

Na- AL058 
The Anglican Religious Communities Year Book 2004-5
Canterbury Press              2003               206 p.                       SC
No author
This book reflects the nature and significance of Religious life to the wider Church. Its detailed directory is a unique resource for communities, their friends and associates. All who are looking for a place of refreshment will find its information on retreat facilities and guest accommodation invaluable. In addition, a range of articles offers thoughtful and challenging reading on a variety of themes, including the work of a community in a troubled part of the developing world; making an individually guided retreat, and what it was like to be at New York’s Ground Zero offering ministry and help.

Books shelved by author ’s name:

Bas AL061 
Strength for the Journey: A Pilgrimage of Faith in Community
Jossey-Bass                    2002                     293 p.                         HC
Bass, Diana Butler
The author illustrates the dynamic strength and persistence of mainline Protestantism. While many baby boomers left the church, only to come back later in life, she was a “stayer” who witnessed the struggles and changes and found much there that was meaningful. Offering thought-provoking portraits of eight parishes she attended over two decades, she explores the major issues that have confronted mainline congregations during those years. Out of the turbulence, she contends, a new kind of mainline congregation has been emerging, and a new period of American Protestantism is being born.


Bay AL031
This Anglican Church of Ours
1995                191 p.            
Bays, Patricia
The author shares her own journey through Anglicanism and gives the reader a deeper knowledge of the Anglican Church, making Anglican diversity, doctrines, complex issues and concerns available and comprehensive to anyone travelling the Anglican path or wanting to explore it.


Bay AL032 
Anglican Diversity: challenges for the 21st Century
2001                 128 p.            
Bays, Patricia
Bays examines the Anglican Church today showing how a tolerance for diversity is a strength for living the Gospel in a diverse culture, and explores coping with conflict through the lessons of history and tackles controversial issues such as forms of worship, ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, social and ethical questions, and the future of the Anglican Communion.

Bay AL033 
The Anglican Way
1980                 80 p.            
Baycroft, John
The “little purple book” is the basic introduction to the Anglican Church for enquirers, new members, and candidates for confirmation. It includes explanations of the meaning of the sacraments, a history of the doctrines, and references to Scripture and simple steps to preparation.


Bay AL057 (missing)
Anglican Diversity: Challenges for the 21st Century
ABC Publishing                     2001                          128 p.                                SC
Bays, Patricia
Tolerance for diversity is an integral part of being Anglican, but how much diversity can Anglicanism sustain? Here is a knowledgeable and sympathetic look at the issue, showing how diversity is strength. It equips Anglicans to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century and lead Christian lives in an increasingly diverse society. It tackles such controversial issues as forms of worship, types of ministry, social and ethical questions, ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, authority in the church, and the future of the Anglican denomination.


Bay AL098  
Indian Residential Schools: Another Picture
Baico Publishing Inc.                        2009                            179 p.                       SC 
Bays, Eric   
Indian Residential Schools in Canada have been described as a tragic part of Canadian history, and they were. However well-intentioned, the reality of family and cultural separation, and in many cases extreme abuse and death of children placed in the schools, caused immediate and ongoing harm to First Nations peoples. Nevertheless, the schools were a sincere attempt to provide a start at academic education as a means to participate in a growing and changing economy. This book takes a balanced look at the schools, and contends that the greater tragedy has been the habitual neglect of First Nations peoples by the immigrant cultures of Canada.


Bic AL073  
The Thirty-Nine Articles: A Theological Introduction to the Thirty-Nine Articles
of the Church of England   (1919. Third Edition revised by H. J. Carpenter, 1955)
Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd.                    1963                         463 p.                     HC
Bicknell, E. J.
No abstract.


Bra AL016 
Anglican: Introducing the Faith, History and Practice of the Anglican Church
1983                        illus. pamphlets  
Brady, Graeme A.     
A set of pamphlets about what it means to be Anglican.


Buc AL074  
Anglican Worship Today: Collins Illustrated Guide to the Alternative Service Book 1980
Collins Liturgical Publications                    1980                       255 p.                    HC
Buchanan, Colin; Lloyd, Trevor; and Miller, Harold, eds.
No abstract.

Byr AL053 
Servants of the Living God: 
Anglican Clergy Tell of the Impact of the Holy Spirit on Their Lives and Ministries
Terra Nova Publications Ltd.                       1999                       123 p.                     SC
Byron-Davies, Jane; and Byron-Davies, Peter, eds.
This book invites people to learn of the walk of others, opening up new vistas of possibility. God doesn’t touch everyone in precisely the same way with exactly the same effect. Through these pages the Lord excites readers with wonder at His mercy and encourages them with hope by His boundless grace. These simply written and honest accounts reveal the hearts of the writers and the realities of life in the parish.


Col AL070
The Catechism and the Order of Confirmation (from The Prayer Book Commentaries)
Hodder and Stoughton                   1963                     188 p.                       SC
Colquhoun, Frank 
The books which make up this series of commentaries are designed to serve as companions to the Book of Common Prayer. They cover all the main aspects of Anglican Worship. Two groups of people have been kept particularly in view in this commentary on the Church Catechism. First, those who are preparing for Confirmation or for reception into the Church of England. Secondly, church members who are seeking a simple refresher course in the basic teaching of their Church. This volume points out that “the value of the Church Catechism is that it is concise and comprehensive, simple and scriptural. It adheres firmly to the essential facts of the Christian religion and refuses to get side-tracked by secondary issues.


Cou AL056
The Poetic Imagination: An Anglican Spiritual Tradition
Orbis                           2000                       214 p.                     SC
Countryman, L. William
Where should one start in writing about the spirituality of Anglicanism? The author makes an illuminating choice in beginning where Anglicanism, spirituality, and poetry meet. For Anglicans, English lyric poetry occupies a significant place: they do not turn to it in order to learn a spirituality so much as to find “companionship in practicing what they have already begun to understand of life in the presence of the Holy.” The author’s obvious love for this poetry, and his sense of a relationship with its writers means that this book can also display for its readers something of the “light that surprises”, the “discovery of grace”, the kind of spiritual awakening that New Testament writers call metanoia.


Cox AL075  
Priesthood in a New Millennium: Toward an Understanding of Anglican Presbyterate in the Twenty-First Century
Church Publishing Incorporated                          2004                      473 p.                    SC 
Cox, R. David
A seasoned parish priest looks at the roles of laity and ordained orders and how clearly understanding them sheds light on many of the potentially divisive issues faced by Anglicans: ordination of women, lay presidency, direct ordination, and expressions of sexuality. This clarity extends to energizing occasions of grace and growth within God’s kingdom. The ultimate focus is on the priesthood of the ordained within the ministry shared by all Christians—with all its challenges and opportunities.

Cra AL005 
Open to the Spirit: Anglicans and the Experience of Renewal
1987                     162 p.   
Craston, Colin, ed.
Published in preparation for the seventh meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council, ACC-7 Singapore 1987, and the Lambeth Conference 1988, the book contains a number of responses to the question “How is God renewing his Church today?”


Dav AL096  
From Across the Water
Linda Capp Publisher                         1999                           236 p.                        SC
Davies, Sid; and Davies, Muriel 
An autobiographical account of the life of and Anglican priest and his wife, the story begins before the First World War and continues to the end of the 20th century. Sprinkled throughout are humorous experiences and interesting characters encountered as the couple move from parish to parish. Maps, recipes and photographs enhance this shared autobiography.

Dou AL051
Understanding the Windsor Report:
Two Leaders in the American Church Speak Across the Divide 
Church Publishing Incorporated                            2005                        184 p.                       SC
Douglas, Ian T. and Zahl, Paul F. M.
The Windsor Report, issued in late 2004, is the Anglican Communion’s official response to some of the critical issues facing the church. The report was commissioned by the Archbishop of Canterbury after an outcry occasioned in large part by two events: the Episcopal Church USA giving its canonical consent to the election of an openly gay bishop and a Diocese in the Anglican Church of Canada authorizing a liturgical rite for the blessing of same-sex unions. The report generated as much controversy as the events that prompted its creation. Two leaders in the American Church, Ian Douglas and Paul Zahl, speaking from opposite sides of the debate, dissect the report and the questions it raises.

Dow AL106  
Bread, Wine & Women: The Ordination Debate in the Church of England
Virago Press                         1994                          133 p.                         SC         
Dowell, Susan; and Williams, Jane
In November, 1992, in one of the great historic moments in Anglican Church history, the General Synod voted for the ordination of women into the priesthood. When the result was announced people wept, sang and danced in the streets – twenty years of campaigning had finally paid off. Other sections of the Clergy threatened to walk over to the Roman Catholic Church. Published to mark the first female ordination, this book analyses the theological and Christian feminist debate that has wracked the Anglican Church and distressed and elated so many of its members.

Dun AL049 
Living Together in the Church – Including Our Differences 
ABC Publishing                        2004                         269 p.                        SC
Dunn, Greig; and Ambidge, Chris, eds.
The issues around same-sex relationships prompt us to engage with Scripture and tradition, contemporary culture and experience, and academic disciplines such as history, psychology, philosophy and the law. The writers assume that all who discuss the place of gay and lesbian Christians in the church are sincere and deserving of respect, and suggest new avenues for dialogue. Anglicanism has been known since the Reformation for its ability to embrace widely divergent viewpoints. This book encourages the engaged and empathetic listening that builds bridges across divides.


Edw AL067
What Anglicans Believe in the Twenty-First Century
Continuum                             2002                              119 p.                            SC
Edwards, David L.
This new edition (2002) of the classic What Anglicans Believe is for the very different world of the 21st Century, and its powerful preface examines the whole question of belief. The author’s purpose is to present a straightforward account through honest answers to the questions that many are asking of their faith and the church. He aims to help Anglicans all over the world to understand their own tradition and what it can offer them. A list of questions for discussion makes this an ideal book for study groups as well as for individual contemplation.


Ege AL025
Anglican Essentials: Reclaiming Faith Within the Anglican Church of Canada
1994                           320 p.         
Egerton, George, ed.
Writing from a perspective which respects Christian orthodoxy, scriptural authority, and Anglican tradition, the authors address such issues as the contemporary challenges in biblical authority, the new debate over the Jesus of history, the question of gender and partnerships, charismatic renewal, the centrality of the Common Book of Prayer, and more. See also Pac AL026.


Eve AL023
Two Religions – One Church: Division and Destiny in the Anglican Church of Canada
1998                           179 p.         
Eves, George R.
The author’s view is that the Anglican Church of Canada is in deep crisis: If it accepts the “practice of homosexuality” it will be divided along the line that divides “liberalism” and “traditionalism” (orthodox catholic Christianity). He believes the church must ultimately reject liberal religion, commit to central traditional beliefs, and “ordinary Anglicans” must voice their concerns to General Synod to prevent division.


Fac AL036
Affirmations & Admonitions: Lutheran Decisions and Dialogue with Reformed,
Episcopal, and Roman Catholic Churches               
Fackre, Gabriel, and Root, Michael
No abstract.


Gar AL063 
Fanning the Flame: 
Bible, Cross and Mission – Meeting the Challenge in a Changing World
Zondervan                              2003                          336                         SC
Gardner, Paul; Wright, Chris; and Green, Chris
Titled after the landmark 2003 National Evangelical Anglican Congress, this book contains groundbreaking material written specially for the occasion. Its theme of “Bible, Cross and Mission” explores why each of these subjects can rightly claim to be essential to evangelicals’ identity, and why each is crucial in its own way: the Bible as boundary, the Cross as centre, mission as the task to which all are committed.

Gib AL045 
Discerning the Word: The Bible and Homosexuality in Anglican Debate              
Anglican Book Centre                                     2000    
Gibson, Paul      
Did Lambeth 1998 amend a traditional Anglican understanding of the Bible? In this discussion, Paul Gibson focuses on the resolutions on Scripture and sexuality, and examines the way cultural norms influence our understanding of biblical authority. He proposes a way forward that honours Scripture, tradition, and our evolving culture.


Gil AL035 
Always Open: Being an Anglican Today
Giles, Richard
An excellent introduction to Anglican beliefs and practices; in a down to earth and good humoured way, it explains the essentials of the Anglican approach to authority, the Bible, social and moral questions, dialogue with other faiths and reveals its fellowship and the spirit of openness to all that are seeking God.


Gri AL048 (missing)
Engaging the Word (The New Church’s Teaching Series Vol. 3) 
Anglican Book Centre                          1998                            181 p.                     SC
Griffiss, James E., series ed.; Johnston, Michael, author
Like two earlier church teaching series, this one presents the distinctive vision Anglicanism offers the people of God in the midst of changing cultures. Each of the 12 volumes explores a different facet of Christian faith, and a study guide and comprehensive list of resources is included in each book. Vol. 3 teaches how to use critical and practical tools to explore the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures intelligently and perceptively.


Gri AL079
The Anglican Vision – Vol. 1 of The New Church’s Teaching Series
Anglican Book Centre 1997 148 p. SC
Griffiss, James E.
No abstract.


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