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Authors H to Z and abstracts    
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Harper, Howard    
Harrison, D. E. W.; and Sansom, Michael C.
Holeton, David R., ed.
Holmes, Urban T. III
Hope, David
Howe, John

Irish, Charles M.

Jamieson, Penny
Johnson, Jay Emerson 

Lea, Nora
Leggett, Richard, ed.
Leidt, William E.
Long, Charles Henry
, ed.

Marshall, Michael E.
McCullum, Hugh
Moorman, John R. H.

O’Driscoll, Herbert

Packer, J. I.
Peers, Michael
Platten, Stephen, ed.
Preiner, Sally Edmonds

Radner, Ephraim; and Turner, Philip
Ramsey, Michael; and Coleman, Dale D., ed.
Rosenthal, James M. (comp.); and in a separate book, with Rodgers, Margaret (comp.)
Rowell, Geoffrey, ed.; and in a separate book, with Hall, Christine, eds.

Schwab, A. Wayne
Stuchbery, Ian

Whitney, Dr. R. L.   

Zahl, Paul F. M.

Har AL041

The Episcopalian’s Dictionary              
The Seabury Press Inc.                       1974                        183 p.
Harper, Howard
Lay church members have many questions they would like to ask about the Church, but all too often the answers can be confusing. In this book, an Episcopal priest explains beliefs, terms, customs, traditions and foibles of the Anglican way in terms any lay person can understand.


Har AL080  
Worship in the Church of England    (1946, revised in 1959, 1969, and 1982)
SPCK                        1982                         181 p.                          SC
Harrison, D. E. W. and Sansom, Michael C.
No abstract.


Hol AL081  
What is Anglicanism?
Morehouse Publishing                            2004                          95 p.                           SC
Holmes, Urban T. III
The Episcopal Church, Anglicanism, and the “Via Media” were ever close to the author’s care and concern as a person, a priest and an educator. He was particularly concerned with and acutely aware of those trends that were oblivious to the rich and inviolate historical traditions of the church. In this book, Anglican heritage is clearly depicted and then directly related to contemporary life.


Hol AL100 
Growing in Newness of Life: Christian initiation in Anglicanism today
The Anglican Book Centre                              1993                        256 p.                          SC 
Holeton, David R., editor
This collection of essays addresses the implications of initiation for Anglicans from the points of view of theology, mission, renewal of faith, liturgical events and texts, and personal challenge. They were prepared for the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation held in Toronto in 1991, which brought together more than sixty liturgists from twenty-two provinces and regions of the Anglican Communion.


Hop AL066 
Living the Gospel
Darton Longman Todd                     1993                       131 p.                         SC
Hope, David
Living the Gospel is David Hope’s first book as Bishop of London, and presents a much-needed picture of what makes him tick. His reflections range from the individual’s relationship with God, through Christian ministry, to his vision for the Church in the Decade of Evangelism. He faces difficult questions with integrity and honesty, and includes a revealing chapter on his response to the women’s ordination vote. Always forthright and refreshingly down-to-earth, Dr. Hope communicates his love of the gospel and commitment to serving God’s Church whatever challenges lie ahead. Living the Gospel will be welcomed by all those seeking ways forward even when things seem dark and confused.


How AL046
Highways & Hedges: Anglicanism and the Universal Church              
Anglican Consultative Council                           1985                             238 p.          
Howe, John     
This is a fascinating account of development in the worldwide Anglican Communion, examining the growth of Anglicanism, Anglican international conferences, and ecumenical affairs, including conversations with Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran and Reformed Churches. It gives special attention to communication, property, mission, training, liturgical revision and other topics before the Church in the 20-25 years leading up to 1985.


Iri AL007
The Gospel Conspiracy Workbook
1986                                80 p.   
Irish, Charles M.
A weekly course (6 weeks) to accompany Mar AL006 – Michael Marshall”s “The Gospel Conspiracy in the Episcopal Church,” a summary of the three R’s Conference: “The Revelation of God, the Renewal of the Church, and the Reformation of Society.”

Jam AL052 
Living at the Edge: Sacrament and Solidarity in Leadership
Mowbray/Cassell                      1997                            200 p.                            SC
Jamieson, Penny
The first woman in the Anglican Communion to become a diocesan bishop tackles the fundamental problem facing outsiders when they become insiders, or revolutionaries when they win power: how may power be exercised for the good of the community, without slipping into the hierarchical attitudes of the past? Her experiences leads her to another, related, question: how may power be exercised at all in a church of the poor, the marginalized and the outsider, in which power should be turned upside down? This essential book provides insight into Anglican life in New Zealand from an episcopal perspective.


Joh AL065
Engaging the Word
Anglican Book Centre                           1998                         181 p.                          SC
Johnston, Michael
This is Volume 3 of the “New Church’s Teaching Series.” Like the two earlier Church’s Teaching Series published in the 1950s and the 1970s, this new series presents the distinctive vision Anglicanism offers the people of God in the midst of changing cultures. The author teaches his readers how to use critical and practical tools to explore the Hebrew and Christian scriptures and introduces readers to key terms and concepts used by biblical scholars to understand the literal, historical, and prophetic meanings of the Bible. His examples illustrate the fundamental questions that must be asked of any biblical text in order to enter fully into its meaning for today for individuals and for the worshipping community.


Joh AL101  
Dancing with God: Anglican Christianity and the Practice of Hope
Morehouse Publishing                             2005                          177 p.                         SC 
Johnson, Jay Emerson
Theology, long seen as the domain of professors, scholars, and clergy, is actually the work of all God’s people. The author uses the metaphor of dance to help readers—especially those without a theological background—approach the discipline of theology as something we all do, and not only something to believe, because doing theology is the practice of hope. Writing about how Anglicans approach theology, he considers our texts, creeds, and liturgies as invitations to dance with the God of abundant life.

Kno AL083
Seeds Scattered and Sown: Studies in the History of Canadian Anglicanism
Anglican Book Centre                         2008                         376 p.                       SC
Knowles, Norman
No abstract. 


Lea AL010                             BOOKLET
What’s Past Is Prologue: A Report to the Church 1915-65
1965                                 15 p.  illus.  
Lea, Nora       
A summary of the work of the Department of Christian Social Service from 1915-1965.


Leg AL037
A Companion to the Waterloo Declaration: Commentary and Essays on 
Lutheran-Anglican Relations in Canada               
Leggett, Richard, ed.
No abstract.


Lei AL084
Anglican Mosaic
Anglican Book Centre                    1962                         183 p.                  SC
Leidt, William E.
No abstract. 


Lon AL021
Who Are the Anglicans?
1988                      83 p.         
Long, Charles Henry, ed.
This resource was prepared for Lambeth 1988, and contains profiles of inter-Anglican agencies with maps and histories.


Mar AL042
The Anglican Church, Today and Tomorrow              
Morehouse Barlow Co. Inc.                   1984                           170 p.
Marshall, Michael E.
The former Bishop of Woolwich says the Church must be catholic, liberal and evangelical if it is to be a “gospel church”. Bishop Marshall issues a new call to the old claims of tradition, reason and Scripture to make the Anglican Church in modern times a responsive rather than a reactive force. 


Mar AL006 
The Gospel Conspiracy in the Episcopal Church
1986                                   151 p.   
Marshall, Michael
A summary of the three R’s Conference: “The Revelation of God, the Renewal of the Church, and the Reformation of Society” (See also Iri AL007 – The Gospel Conspiracy Workbook).

Mar AL017
Lambeth 1988: Church at the Crossroads
1988                                          178 p.    illus.   
Marshall, Michael       
The author offers a critical perspective on the issues affecting the Anglican Church today. The book contains reports on the background, events and discussions that made Lambeth ‘88 a significant crossroad in the Church’s history.


McC AL085
Radical Compassion: The Life and Times of Archbishop Ted Scott
ABC Publishing                           2004                             544 p.                          HC 
McCullum, Hugh   
This biography presents Archbishop Ted Scott’s life as the story of one good man’s struggle to be radical, like his prairie heroes, and also compassionate in his response to the needs of others. He fixed his energy on persons, while at the same time working fervently to raise the systemic issues of the poor and oppressed, the marginalized and weak. The book is also a story of the turbulent times in which Scott lived — the Great Depression of the 1930s and the near-collapse of Western capitalism, the horror of World War II and the nuclear age, the 1960s with their optimistic belief that people together could change the world, and the 1970s and 1980s when market forces threatened both lands and livelihoods.

Moo AL086
The Anglican Spiritual Tradition
Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd.                     1983                          228 p.                        SC
Moorman, John R. H.
No abstract. 


ODr AL027
Confound Them! Diabolical Plans for the Church
2000                          119 p.         
O’Driscoll, Herbert
A whimsical and satirical look at contemporary church life, after the format of C. S. Lewis’s “Screwtape Letters”, an Anglican priest responds to a bundle of disturbing letters written by a demon charged with the demise of the Church.  His tools are the issues that confound and abound in today’s church: alternative literatures, human sexuality, the ordination of women, conflicting theologies, and more.   With humour and insight, O’Driscoll encourages us to examine our responses to issues that threaten our Church.

Pac AL026
Commentary on the Montreal Declaration – Anglican Essentials: Reclaiming Faith Within the Anglican Church of Canada
1996                              78 p.  (insert)         
Packer, J. I.
The author provides an exposition and interpretation of the Montreal Declaration of Anglican Essentials that came out of the Conference named Essentials 94, with editorial inserts. See also Ege AL025.


Pee AL093
Grace Notes: Journeying with the Primate 1995-2004
Anglican Book Centre                           2005                         189 p.                           SC
Peers, Michael
No abstract.

Pla AL028
Anglicanism and the Western Christian Tradition: Continuity, Change and the Search for Communion
2003                       276 p.        
Platten, Stephen, ed.
This collection of essays by leading Anglican and Roman Catholic historians exemplifies the increasing scholarly interchange out of which a more sophisticated interpretation of the history of centuries of separation is developing, helping to create a sense of common ownership of the past and laying a foundation for deepening communion in the present.


Pla AL082
Runcie: On Reflection, An Archbishop Remembered
Canterbury Press                     2002                           150 p.                        SC
Platten, Stephen
No abstract. 


Pre AL024
Stained Glass, Sweet Grass, Hosannas and Songs: A Snapshot of Anglican Issues and Visions in Canada
2002                     172 p.         
Preiner, Sally Edmonds
In 2002, The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada commissioned Environics to conduct research as part of an intentional listening process in support of the Synod’s strategic planning review.This report is based on the first phase of research, a snapshot of visions and issues of Canadian Anglicans.  The purpose of intentional listening is to ensure that the voice, perspective and context of Anglicans across Canada are heard and respectfully shared.



Rad AL040
The Fate of Communion: The Agony of Anglicanism and the Future of a Global Church              Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.                        2006                           306 p.
Radner, Ephraim, and Turner, Philip
Two priest-scholars examine the future of the concept of “communion” as a viable church structure, tracing its historical development as a self-consciously Anglican third way between Protestant congregationalism and Catholic centralism. The authors relate the specific challenges of the U.S. Episcopal Church and the unity of the worldwide communion, touching on subjects such as the place of Scripture, liberal theology, and episcopal authority.

Ram AL034
The Anglican Spirit
Ramsey, Michael, and Coleman, Dale D., ed.
A collection of Archbishop Michael Ramsey’s introductory lectures on Anglicanism, revealing his compassion, humour, ecumenism and theological understanding and vision of the Church and Christian life.  Informal and conversational in style, these talks offer an overview of Anglican theology, spirituality and history, focusing on its enduring characteristics, including its reliance on Scripture, tradition and human reason.  


Ros AL047 
For the Life of the World: Anglican Consultative Council XII, Hong Kong 
Morehouse Publishing                               2003                          505 p.                         SC
Rosenthal, James M., compiler
More than a report, this book reflects the concerns of Anglican and Episcopal churches around the world in making the church a voice of reconciliation, following their international meeting in Honk Kong in 2002. An historic first found the 103rd Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, and the Archbishop of Canterbury designate i teh same place and time, during a special liturgy on Holy Cross Day. Archbishop Rowan Williams’ sermon is included, as is his enthronement sermon in Canterbury Cathedral and the Pastoral Letter from the 2002 Primates Meeting in Brazil.


Ros AL060
The Communion We Share: Anglican Consultative Council XI, Scotland
Morehouse Publishing                            2000                         370 p.                           SC
Rosenthal, James M. and Rodgers, Margaret (comp.)
Bishops, clergy, and laity from thirty-eight Provinces of the worldwide Anglican Communion gathered in Scotland, in 1999 to continue the process of defining what it means to be Anglican in the twenty-first century. This book is the official report, which followed the Lambeth Conference of 1998. The Council wrestled with such issues as how to maintain meaningful communion amidst global diversity, the future mission strategy of the Communion, matters of sexuality and family, and ways to assist part of the Communion crippled by international debt. More than a report, this is a guidebook for all Anglicans as to how we will live gracefully as a global family.


Ros AL062
For the Life of the World: Anglican Consultative Council XII, Hong Kong
Morehouse Publishing                              2003                            505 p.                       SC
Rosenthal, James M. (comp.)
More than a report, this reflects concerns of Anglican/Episcopal churches worldwide in making the Church a voice of reconciliation. An historic first found the 103rd Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey and the Archbishop of Canterbury-designate in the same place and time during a special liturgy on Holy Cross Day. Included are Archbishop Rowan Williams’ sermon, his enthronement sermon in Canterbury Cathedral, and the Pastoral Letter from the 2003 Primates meeting in Brazil, plus photographs, and additional sermons, addresses, and reports.


Row AL069
Communion, Covenant and Canon Law: A Challenge and Opportunity for the Anglican Communion … (International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, Vol. 8 No. 2
Routledge                              2008                         188 p.                         SC
Towell, Geoffrey; and Hall, Christine, eds. 
The collection of articles here is not an introduction to Anglicanism, nor does it seek to provide a descriptive analysis of the functioning of the Anglican Communion. Rather, it offers multi-disciplinary snapshots of the Communion at a particular time in its history with reference to the 2008 Lambeth Conference and the draft Covenant (proposed in the Windsor Report and successively re-drafted thereafter) and considers how the Anglican Communion might absorb such a development with particular reference to the canon law of its member churches. Articles consider aspects of the draft Anglican Covenant from legal, theological and ecclesiological perspectives.


Row AL104  
The English Religious Tradition and the Genius of Anglicanism
Abingdon Press                      1992                           256 p.                      SC 
Rowell, Geoffrey, editor
Twelve distinguished scholars explore the character of the English Church through remarkable individuals who played a part in its long history. Among those discussed and who have made enduring contributions to the development of the Anglican spirit, are: the Venerable Bede, Anselm, Lady Julian of Norwich, John Wycliffe, Thomas Cranmer, Richard Hooker, George Herbert, Lancelot Andrewes, John and Charles Wesley, John Keble, and William Temple. This volume also contains sermons given by the Bishop of Oxford and by the Chaplain of Keble College.


Sch AL001                       BOOKLET 
An Anglican Evangelism
1989                   45 p. 
Schwab, A. Wayne   
The author attempts to value both the Anglican heritage within the worldwide Christian church and the particular experience of the Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.

Lambeth Reader: The Lambeth Conference 2008               
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
A collection of background reading prepared for participants of Lambeth 2008. The three sections include Anglican Identity and Episcopacy, Mission and Ministry, and The Anglican Communion: Ordering Our Life Together. 


Stu AL030
This Is our faith: A Guide to Life and Belief for Anglicans, with a Revised
Chapter on Worship
1990                             192 p.            
Stuchbery, Ian
Written from a Canadian perspective, this is an invaluable resource for the instruction of adults in the Christian faith, for both individuals and study groups; provides practical guidance for Christian living and the deepening of our faith, with commentary on the basic components of worship and doctrine, prayers, meditations, different types of ministry, and more.  Includes notes, a bibliography and a glossary of common “Questions people ask”.


Whi AL019                               BOOKLET
Conference Report 1982: Christian Initiation, 23-25 June, 1982
1982                           71 p.         
Whitney, Dr. R. L.       
The report contains proceedings of a conference held at Charlottetown, and discusses aspects of Christian iconography and initiation, and the doctrines of baptism and confirmation.


Zah AL105  
The Protestant Face of Anglicanism
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company                     1998                     112 p.                  SC 
Zahl, Paul F. M.
This fascinating volume tells a story that is virtually unknown today: the Protestant background and history of Anglican Christianity. The author attempts to show—contrary to the opinion of many present-day Anglican writers—that Anglicanism is not just a via media (between Rome and Geneva, for example) but has been stamped decisively by classic Protestant insights and concerns. He also discusses the implications of Anglicanism’s Protestant history for our own age, suggesting that this dimension of Anglicanism has an important contribution to make to the worldwide Christian community in the new millennium.