This area is located on the right wall of the Resource Centre as you enter the room. It contains books related to Anglican family life, including educational resources for younger family members and church youth groups. There are also both fiction and non-fiction books for recreation and learning. Labels here are in the pale peach to red colour range. Below are brief descriptions of two of the six subject categories and their letter codes, along with a sample of the labels used for each one.
The label images show the colour for that subject category, with the subject code at top centre. The call number begins with the first letters of the author’s name, followed by the subject code and a number. The number allows the ARC to keep track of the books and resources in the collection.
Some books have no author listed and are shelved by a publisher’s acronym (i.e. ABC for Anglican Book Centre) or Na-/NA-. These books are shelved first in each subject category already uploaded to the ARC website. They are followed by books shelved alphabetically by author.

Adult Readers has resources both for restful reading and easy exploration of Christian life, teaching, and history. It includes the words and works of inspirational men and women like Mary Midgley and C. S. Lewis. More academic works on these subjects may be found in the Anglican World section in the subject areas of History & Biography and Religion & Theology. Most of the abstracts for resources for this section will shortly be uploaded.

Education for Teens is primarily geared for families who are actively engaged in the spiritual development of their teen members and also those who are active in church youth groups. Resources range from overall suggestions on how to develop and provide youth ministry to suggested activities and lessons for teens. Similar resources suited for those who are more involved or experienced in teen education may be found in the Ministry for Youth subject category. The abstracts for this section will be online in late 2025.