The Adult Readers resources embrace a wide variety of styles and contents, both fiction and non-fiction. They include everything from the wonderful Jan Karon novels based on parish life, to theology for non-theologians, ways to be a person of faith in a secular world, and much, much more. 

Below you will find a graphic showing where the Adult Readers print resources are located in the Resource Centre, followed by an Author/Editor/Publisher list and then details of individual resources. We use a simple dot navigation system to move to different sections of the page (see the grey bar to the right of the page). Each dot takes you to a new section, from top to bottom of the page.

Adult Readers print resources may be found on the shelves immediately following the Anglican Parish resources at the rear right corner of the Resource Centre as you enter.


A list of authors/editors/publishers followed by abstracts of Adult Readers print resources will shortly be uploaded here.

This notice is a placeholder only.