This page begins with a brief list of abstracts for resources not identified with a specific author. Call signs begin with NA- or Na-.
These are followed by abstracts for resources identified with a specific author or editor. Call signs begin with the letters A to M.
For abstracts with call signs beginning M to Z, click here.
No Author and/or listed by publisher:
No Author (ABC: Anglican Book Centre)
No Author (ACC: Anglican Church of Canada)
No Author (ACCo: Anglican Consultative Council)
No Author (ARCa: Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission/ARCIC)
No Author (DNS: Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island)
No Author (Na-: Miscellaneous)
NA- AC006
A Handbook for Multipoint Parishes
— — — —
RCMP (Rural Committee for Multi-Point Parishes)
No abstract.
NA- AC030
The Coracle:
Rebuilding the Common Life – Foundation Documents of the Iona Community
The Iona Community 1988 — —
No author.
No abstract.
Keeping Track: Managing Your Church Assets
Material Heritage Group, ACC 2000 36 p. SC
No author.
Material heritage is a broad term for all the physical property held by and representative of the Anglican Church of Canada. This includes land, buildings, structures, furnishings, and adornments belonging to each parish, diocese, and synod. This guide helps with documenting the architecture and artifacts, or the material heritage, of the ACC.
By Author with names beginning A–M:
Adams, James R.; and Hahn, Celia A.
Adamson, William R.
Avery, William O.; sole author and also with Gaede, Beth Anne
Bailey, Marcia Barnes
Bandy, Thomas G.
Barger, Rick
Bass, Diana Butler, sole author and also co-editor with Stewart-Sicking, Joseph.
Bast, Robert L.
Becker, Carol E.
Benefiel, Margaret
Biehl, Bobb
Bixby, Doug
Boers, Arthur Paul
Bolles, Richard N.
Bookman, Terry; and Kahn, William
Branson, Mark Lau
Breen, Mike; and Kallestad, Walt
Brown, Stewart
Bush, Peter
Callaghan, Kennon L.
Campbell, Dennis G.
Carroll, J. W. et al; eds. and contributors
Carey, George
Cawley, Janet R.
Champlin, Joseph M.
Chase-Ziolek, Mary
Chawaga, Stephen P.
Cho, Dr. Paul Yonggi
Coles, Mike
Cosgrove, Charles H.; and Hatfield, Dennis D.
Davison, Peter
Dawn, Marva J.
DeMott, Nancy; Shapiro, Tim; and Bill, Brent
Dudley, Carl S.; sole author and also with Johnson, Sally A.
Dunkin, Steve
Easum, William M.; and Bandy, Thomas G.
Eller, Vernard
Ellertson, Patricia
Frensdorf, Wesley; and Wilson, Charles R.
Gaede, Beth Ann
Gibbs, Mark
Glick, Robert P.
Goodman, Denise W.
Hadaway, C. Kirk; and Roozen, David A.
Hahn, Celia A.
Hanchey, Howard
Harbin, E. O.; and Sessoms, Bob
Harnish, James A.
Harmer, Eric
Harre, Alan F.
Hassinger, Edward W.; Holik, John S.; and Benson, J. Kenneth
Haueisen, Kathryn M.; and Flores, Carole H.
Hopewell, James F.
Hudson, Jill M.
Johnson, Emmett V.
Johnson, Abigail
Joiner, Paul
Joiner, Donald W.; and Wimberly, Norma
Kennedy, D. James
Kilbourn, William, ed.
Kirkpatrick, Thomas G.
Kitchens, Jim
Knippel, Charles T.
Lang, Susan M.
Leas, Speed B.
Lencioni, Patrick
Le Peau, Andrew T.
Leventhal, Robert
Lidums, Susan B.
Little, Diane
Lott, David B., ed.
Low, Albert
MacLeod, Greg
MacKenzie, Marilyn; and Moore, Gail
Malphurs, Aubrey
Malefyt, Norma de Waal; and Vanderwell, Howard
Mallory, Sue
Mann, Alice B.
Mantell, Keith; and Harvey, Revd. Norman
Martin, Jim
Maybee, Maylanne, ed.
McFayden, Kenneth J.
McGavran, Donald A.; sole author and with Hunter, George G. III
McKinney, Mary Benet
McKenna, David L.
McNeal, Reggie
Mead, Loren B.
Merritt, Carol Howard
Michell, Neal O.
Miller, Donald E.
Miller, Keith; and Larson, Bruce
Milton, Ralph
Moots, Paul
Morris, Danny E.; and Olsen, Charles M.
Ada AC115
Learning to Share the Ministry
Alban Institute 1975 69 p. SC
Adams, James R. and Hahn, Celia A.
This small book tells the story of St. Mark’s Church on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., and the transformation which took place in its congregational life when its pastor, James Adams, took a six-month sabbatical. It provides a clear framework for the team relationship that must exist between clerical and lay leadership. Such a relationship evolved at St. Mark’s as other leaders in the church learned, under the pressure of circumstances, to “share the ministry.”
Ada AC130 (missing)
Empowering Disciples: Adult Education in the Church
Novalis/Wood Lake Books 1990 361 pp. SC
Adamson, William R.
This book is for key people in the local church, and for theology students and pastors – all of whom are learners and pilgrims in the Church of Jesus Christ. The author attempts to develop an integrated approach to the learning of adults – an educational psychology with theological foundations. The book combines theology and method, theory and skill. It is not the intention to offer a neat formula to fix everything. Instead an “approach plan” is offered which gives a perspective for, and a way of initiating, educational ventures with adults. Underlying this approach is a deep trust in persons to use their autonomy, freedom and gifts in a creative and responsible manner and a sense of the presence of God’s Spirit in the varied circumstances and predicaments of our communities and congregations.
Ave AC090
If This is the Way the World Works: Science, Congregations, and Leadership
Alban Institute 2007 173 pp. SC
Avery, William O. and Gaede, Beth Anne
The authors explore five principles from the philosophy of science that suggest an alternative way to view congregational mission and leadership: openness to new information, complexity, diversity, interrelatedness, and process. Their premise is that when faith communities align themselves with the way the world – God’s world – works, they more faithfully carry out their vocations as witnesses to God’s reconciling work and as servants to one another.
Ave AC091
Revitalizing Congregations
Wood Lake Books 2003 181 pp. SC
Avery, William O.
No abstract.
Bai AC112
Choosing Partnership, Sharing Ministry: A Vision for New Spiritual Community
Alban Institute 2007 152 pp. SC
Bailey, Marcia Barnes
The author sets for herself a difficult goal – to radically dismantle the traditional hierarchical base for the church and to call for the reimagining and reordering of relationships. She believes this new vision of relationships built on mutuality, vision, and trust is what is needed for the transformation of the church.
Ban AC137
Christian Chaos: Revolutionizing the Congregation
Abingdon Press 1999 335 p. SC
Bandy, Thomas G.
New meaning is given to the transformation of congregations in this groundbreaking exploration of congregational life. It argues that the organization of a congregation—its boards and committees—constitutes a crucial ingredient in its vitality and mission. The way in which a church is organized will make all the difference in whether it becomes what Bandy has named elsewhere a thriving church system or a declining one. The book concludes with a compelling call for “turning the laity loose” through cell group ministry, unleashing the Spirit-driven Christian chaos by which a congregation can thrive in the challenging days ahead.
Ban AC161
Kicking Habits: Welcome Relief for Addicted Churches
Abingdon Press/UCC 1997 231 pp. SC
Bandy, Thomas G.
Existing congregations and denominations are so addicted to self-destructive practices that they cannot change until they admit their bondage. These practices include a hunt for doctrinal purity on the theological right, and a desire for political justice on the theological left. The answer is a complete systemic transformation of congregation or denomination, and this book presents twenty shocking truths that thriving churches have discovered. If your congregation is on a plateau or is caught up in the tornado of decline, you are offered a phase by phase strategy for transformation into a thriving church system.
Bar AC073
A New and Right Spirit: Creating an Authentic Church in a Consumer Culture
— — — —
Barger, Rick
The author, a Lutheran pastor, ministers to a parish located in the neighbourhood shaken by the Columbine shootings. Recognizing the spiritual needs of a success-oriented society, he exhorts leaders to turn away from the story of our culture and to return to the story of the church, which is grounded in Christ and the resurrection. The insights here tell how to create such a faith community.
Bas AC066
From Nomads to Pilgrims: Stories from Practicing Congregations
— 2006 — —
Bass, Diana Butler; and Stewart-Sicking, Joseph; eds.
This is a collection of stories from pastors and congregations which have been on a pilgrimage to vitality, retrieving and reworking Christian practice, tradition and narrative. Contributors provide an inside look at the emerging style of congregational vitality described in “The Practicing Congregation” of church communities centring their lives creatively and intentionally around traditional Christian practices.
Bas AC084
Christianity for the Rest of Us:
How the Neighbourhood Church is Transforming the Faith
— — — —
Bass, Diana Butler
No abstract.
Bas AC099
Attracting New Members
Reformed Church in America & Church Growth Inc. 1988 173 pp. SC
Bast, Robert L.
Reaching and holding visitors is a necessity for any church that does not wish to decline. In this strategic volume the author provides insights and workable plans which any church can put into practice immediately.
Bec AC138
Leading Women:
How Church Women Can Avoid Leadership Traps and Negotiate the Gender Maze
Abingdon Press 1996 206 pp. SC
Becker, Carol E.
The author addresses issues concerning the rapidly growing number of women in positions of church leadership. She shows women how to communicate and influence decisions in a male world. She names the gender traps, examines the unique perspective that women bring to leadership in the church, and explores communication strategies for women and men, along with practical solutions for the gender problems or traps that surface when men and women must accomplish ministries of the church.
Ben AC199
Soul at Work: Spiritual Leadership in Organizations
Seabury Books 2005 166 pp. SC
Benefiel, Margaret
Soul in the workplace is not a theological abstraction, but a way of being and doing. Each of the organizations profiled describes the profound role that awareness of soul or spirituality can play in leadership and organizational life. This wise little book invites the reader into a user friendly conversation that contains memorable, grounded illustrations drawn from contemporary organizational life, focuses the reader on spiritual essentials, and allows the reader or teacher to probe at any depth that might be desired.
Bie AC162
Master Planning: The Complete Guide for Building a Strategic Plan for Your Business, Church or Organization
Broadman & Holman, Publishers 1997 280 pp. HC
Biehl, Bobb
Whether it’s a church, corporation, or garden club, every organization runs the risk of being stunted by the lack of a clear, simple plan. During more than twenty years working in the field, the author used the process and principles contained in this book to help over 200 teams in their planning process. This unique “how-to” guide is filed with valuable planning advice and also covers such practical subjects as communicating effectively, decision making, staff orientation, maintaining organizational clarity, delegating, maximizing resources, and overcoming roadblocks.
Bix AC122
The Honest to God Church: A Pathway to God’s Grace
Alban Institute 2007 119 pp. SC
Bixby, Doug
Doug Bixby makes it clear that honest-to-God churches are always come-as-you-are churches. That’s a simple and yet incredibly provocative idea – one that has the power to transform both people and congregations, leading them into ever deeper, ever more faithful discipleship. If we can just be honest – with God, with ourselves, and with each other – who knows what wonders God will be able to perform?
Boe AC163
Never Call Them Jerks: Healthy Responses to Difficult Behavior
The Alban Institute 1999 147 pp. SC
Boers, Arthur Paul
Church members’ difficult behaviour can elicit naming, blaming, or shaming responses from a pastor. A much more creative approach is provided by this book. The author demonstrates how to deal with critics by turning them into teachers, increasing one’s own self-awareness, and considering the whole system in which the criticism takes place. Neither authoritarianism nor appeasing are effective. This is a thorough, well-researched, and well illustrated resource and the author’s stories are useful sermon material.
Bol AC118
The Three Boxes of Life: An Introduction to Life/Work Planning
Ten Speed Press 1981 466 pp. SC
Bolles, Richard N.
The author of What Colour is Your Parachute? demonstrates that our lives are rigidly defined into three periods based on primary activity – education, work, and retirement. During each of the “box-like stages,” we do little other than this primary activity. In analyzing the boxes Bolles provides a structure to deal with the transition into each of the three periods. Charts and drawings are abundant and well-done.
Boo AC164
This House We Build:
Lessons for Healthy Synagogues and the People Who Dwell There
The Alban Institute 2007 366 pp. SC
Bookman, Terry; and Kahn, William
This one-volume guide to a healthy congregation demonstrates the power of positive relationships and shows how to avoid some of the common traps that can lead to serious conflict. Using the life of the synagogue as its central illustration, this book gives vital lessons for congregations of any faith on how to be a healthy community of believers. Each chapter integrates organizational theory and faith values in the pursuit of a deeper understanding of synagogue life and a richer life together. Both clergy and members of other faiths can learn more deeply about creating and sustaining communities of faith in the course of inevitable transitions and everyday challenges.
Bra AC182
Memories, Hopes, and Conversations: Appreciative Inquiry and Congregational Changes
The Alban Institute 2004 156 pp. SC
Branson, Mark Lau
The author invites readers into a process for forming missional congregations rooted in the conviction that God’s future is among God’s people. More than theory, it presents the life experience of a congregation with the resources for shaping the narratives of other congregations. By treating the local church as a living organism, he bases his Appreciative Inquiry on the stories and aspirations of the people. Though this is a church with its own specific setting, its stories translate to other situations as well.
Bre AC188
The Passionate Church: The Art of Life-Changing Discipleship
NexGen/Cook Communications Ministries 2005 235 pp. HC
Breen, Mike; and Kallestad, Walt
Jesus led and lived with a passion that changed the world. Many of today’s church leaders are desperate to experience that passion, to have church members become true disciples and see congregations become communities reflecting the love of Jesus. Believers yearn to be closer to Jesus, with a faith that transforms every aspect of their lives. Non-believers hunger to experience a faith that is real. This book offers eight simple, yet profound, truths to help you lead the passionate church.
Bro AC183
The Real Welcoming Church: Imitating God, Thinking Like Jesus
Word Alive Press 2018 154 pp. SC
Brown, Stewart
This book leads each reader into an honest self-examination and church evaluation, based completely on God’s Word. Four key life stages are explored: struggling church, Godly church, inviting church, and inspiring church. An exciting and practical interactive book, it is full of Bible-based resources and principles to empower readers in making lasting friends and transformative relationships in their churches and communities.
Bus AC139
In Dying We Are Born:
The Challenge and Hope for Congregations
The Alban Institute 2008 138 pp. SC
Bush, Peter
Deeply ingrained in Western culture, and in the minds of most church leaders, is the belief that there is a solution to every problem. Peter Bush offers a powerful challenge to this approach, arguing that for new life, energy, and passion to arise in congregations, they must die—die to one way of being the church in order that a new way may rise. Some congregations need to close their doors, bringing to an end years of ministry. Other congregations need to dramatically change their culture and ways of doing ministry, requiring people to give up deeply held understandings of the life and purpose of the congregation. The author shows readers why churches must confront their mortality in order to find new life.
Cal AC069
Twelve Keys to an Effective Church: Strategic Planning for Mission
— 1997 — —
Callaghan, Kennon L.
Callahan offers a comprehensive yet realistic strategy for moving a church from maintenance to mission through a methodical and theologically based method of planning that counts twelve essential elements for effectiveness, and identifies the characteristics of long-range planning diagnostic, strategic, hopeful, responsible and courageous. This is the core reference book in a set of four.
Cal AC070
Twelve Keys to an Effective Church – The Leader’s Guide
— 1997 — —
Callaghan, Kennon L.
This leader’s guide to using “Twelve Keys to an effective church” includes an outline of four stages and six sessions, with timelines objectives, invitational questions, motivational resources, prayer and the dynamics of strategic planning in church groups. This is the second reference book in a set of four.
Cal AC071
Twelve Keys to an Effective Church: The Planning Workbook – New Revised Edition
— 1997 — —
Callaghan, Kennon L.
This is the planning workbook for the leader’s use with “Twelve Keys to an effective church” — includes implementation charts, and materials for planning the four stages of the program in a way that fits your church, timeframes and numbers of people — follows the four stages. This is the third book in a set of four.
Cal AC072
Effective Church Leadership: Building on the Twelve Keys
Harper & Row 1990 268 pp. HC
Callaghan, Kennon L.
The remarkable service that Kennon L. Callahan performs for local churches in his Twelve Keys series is advanced here for pastors and key leaders. Drawing on more than thirty years of church consulting experience, Callahan asserts that “the day of the professional minister is over. The day of the missionary pastor has come. . . . The professional minister movement ended some years ago as professional ministers experienced a gridlock of meetings, desks stacked with papers, calendars filled with appointments, and declining worship attendance in their churches. Callahan helps pastors and key leaders build on their creativity and imagination in order to revitalize their local churches and advance their missions.
Twelve Keys to an Effective Church: The Study Guide
Jossey-Bass 1992 64 pp. SC
Callaghan, Kennon L.
This guide to the book and planning workbook of the same name breaks steps down into Study, Plan and Action. Included are principles for study groups and how to set them up.
Cal AC080
The Future That Has Come:
New Possibilities for Reaching and Growing the Grass Roots
— 2002 — —-
Callaghan, Kennon L.
Callaghan offers clear insights with careful attention to detail and practical and technological understanding of the seven major paradigm shifts that have happened in recent years and new possibilities open to building healthy, strong congregations, to encouraging grass roots people to develop a healthy constructive approach to their mission.
Cam AC165
Congregations as Learning Communities: Tools for Shaping Your Future
The Alban Institute 2000 64 pp. SC
Campbell, Dennis G.
The author offers a rejuvenating approach for those concerned about how Christian communities learn together in these capricious and tempestuous times. The most valuable contribution lies in his perspective that congregations need to retool their systems in light of long-term goals. The practical steps for congregations will help them to practice learning together and thus achieve this important retooling.
Car AC028
Handbook for Congregational Studies
— 1989 — —
Carroll, J. W. et al; eds. and contributors
Places the congregation itself rather than individual scholarly disciplines at the centre of congregational analysis. Provides techniques for studying the congregation as well as a framework for understanding the nature of the congregation.
Car AC140
The Church in the Market Place
Morehouse Publishing 1989 154 pp. SC
Carey, George
When George Carey arrived at his newly-assigned church in Durham, England, he found a dwindling congregation and a lacklustre worship service. Through renewal of the people by the Holy Spirit and major changes in the worship service, as well as the formation of prayer groups, the church began to attract new members. This book describes the opposition to the renewal that Carey faced, and how he overcame it with love and firmness.
Caw AC132
Who Is Our Church? Imagining Congregational Identity
— 2006 — —
Cawley, Janet R.
Author Janet R. Cawley is an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada who has wide and varied experience working with congregations in transition. The book offers creative, engaging, and faithful ways to explore identity, and demonstrates how to use a congregation’s knowledge of itself to generate options for future mission.
Cha AC136
Grateful Caretakers of God’s Many Gifts:
A Parish Manual to Foster the Sharing of Time, Talent, and Treasure
The Liturgical Press 2002 108 pp. SC
Champlin, Joseph M.
The author explains how a parish may begin a program of grateful giving to support its ministry and programs. He provides the biblical history of people tithing of their income in order to support the work of God as well as a step-by-step program for initiating such a program.
Cha AC062
Health, Healing & Wholeness: Engaging Congregations in Ministries of Health
The Pilgrim Press 2005 146 pp. SC
Chase-Ziolek, Mary
This is a unique resource that helps to engage congregations in health care ministries, emphasizing the importance of understanding congregational culture when developing faith and health partnerships, recognizing the potential of health ministries to promote community health and utilize a community focused approach that reaches beyond the walls of the church.
Cha AC094
How to Keep Your Church Out of Court
Concordia 2002 80 pp. SC
Chawaga, Stephen P.
How can church leaders avoid legal pitfalls that many churches can and do fall into? Without technical jargon, this easy-to-read handbook will help churches protect the property and people God has entrusted their care. Topics dealt with are: General Principles of Liability; Liability to Employees; Liability for Actions of Employees and Volunteers; Defences to Liability; and Insurance. (N.B. – Issues are discussed from the perspective of U.S. law.)
Cho AC010
Successful Home Cell Groups
— 1981 — —
Cho, Dr. Paul Yonggi
The author shares the concept of home cell groups and the success this method can have in the renewal of ministry in your church. The book discusses the definition of ‘home cell groups’, obstacles to cell groups, a Farm of Missionary work; how to establish cell.
Col AC116
So You Think You’re a New Testament Writer
Novalis 2004 127 pp. SC
Coles, Mike
Written as an engaging series of “interviews” with Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul, this book explores what motivated them, and the consequences of their life-changing encounters with Jesus Christ. Is Paul’s anti-women reputation deserved? Can we trust a reformed tax collector to tell the truth? What’s the amazing “revelation” that John claims to have had on his island of exile? And where can you get hold of the best wine, olive oil, or donkeys, in town? You’ll find the answers to these and many other questions in this book.
Cos AC141
Church Conflict: The Hidden Systems Behind the Fights
Abingdon Press 1994 192 pp. SC
Cosgrove, Charles H. and Hatfield, Dennis D.
By using stories and narrative examples of real problems at actual churches in conflict, the authors help to identify the hidden structural boundaries in any group relationship. They show how the dynamics and “family rules” operating in the informal family-like church system powerfully influence how church members relate to each other, do business together, care for one another, and fight with each other. The authors then provide strategies for dealing with conflict at the level of these hidden “family” dynamics.
Dav AC142
A Faith of Our Own: Living and believing in an age of change
Anglican Book Centre 1986 126 pp. SC
Davison, Peter
In a world torn by ideology, the Christian faith promises a journey toward wholeness. Yet the church has often confused ideology with faith and reduced its rich tradition to moralizing and stagnant custom. The author suggests positive and practical solutions to the many pressing questions raised by the confrontation between contemporary culture and church tradition. He writes for those who have difficulty in believing and for those who wish to grow in faith. This book is intended both for individual readers and for groups of people willing to explore together.
Daw AC197
Reaching Out without Dumbing Down:
A Theology of Worship for the Turn-of-the-Century Culture
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 1995 316 pp. SC
Dawn, Marva J.
Working to bridge opposing sides in the various “worship wars,” the author writes to help local parishes and denominations think more thoroughly about both worship and culture. She roots here discussion in a careful assessment of significant aspects of the present technological, boomer, postmodern society and names criteria by which to judge various cultural influences. She also sketches the essential attributes of true worship—worship that keeps Go at the centre, builds believers’ character, and builds up the community.
DeM AC143
Holy Places: Matching Sacred Space with Mission and Message
The Alban Institute 2007 257 pp. SC
DeMott, Nancy; Shapiro, Tim; and Bill, Brent
Buildings communicate. Stained glass windows, high altars, multi-purpose worship/gymnasium spaces, Plexiglas pulpits, padded pews—these and all other architectural elements say something about a congregation’s theology and mission. They point to a faith community’s beliefs about worship, identity, purpose, and more. This book is designed to be used by congregations that are involved in or are contemplating work on their facilities such as renovation, remodelling, expansion, or building. Approaching the work with mission at the forefront is the key to having a final result that strengthens the congregation’s ministry. The process here lets congregations begin where they are and provides the help they need to move to the next level.
Dud AC086
Energizing the Congregation: Images That Shape Your Church’s Ministry
— — — —
Dudley, Carl S.; and Johnson, Sally A.
No abstract.
Dud AC144 (missing)
Unique Dynamics of the Small Church
The Alban Institute 1997 23 pp. SC
Dudley, Carl S.
In the Protestant denominations, particularly, small, economically marginal or sub-marginal congregations provide more worries for clergy and executives than any other single issue. The problem is a big one, since well over have the congregations of most denominations lurk well below whatever benchmark is put up for “viability” as to membership or budget size. Carl Dudley has something new to say – something that may cause us to stop short i characterizing such congregations as problem children.
Dun AC018
Church Advertising: A Practical Guide
— — — —
Dunkin, Steve
No abstract.
Eas AC145
Growing Spiritual Redwoods
Abingdon Press 1997 212 pp. SC
Easum, WilliamM.; and Bandy, Thomas G.
Are you committed to Jesus Christ—or to a particular doctrine, denomination, or church? Do you speak of faith as an experience of Christ—or as a heritage that you protect? “Spiritual redwoods” know the answers to these questions. Congregations to whom this term can be applied do not spring spontaneously into existence, nor are they built in a mechanical, by-the-numbers fashion. Instead, they are grown, and providing the environment that will grow these vigorous centres of witness and mission is the crucial task of church leadership in our time. This excellent book describes the massive redistribution of North American Christians along the lines of shared values, and is a great compass for the twenty-first century.
Ell AC096
Outward Bound: Caravaning as the Style of the Church
William B. Eerdmans 1980 104 pp. SC
Eller, Vernard
According to Eller, the problem with today’s congregations is that they are usually far more concerned to be somewhere than to get somewhere; to establish and consolidate a secure position, rather than to push on toward a goal. But, says Eler, stability and security are precisely not what God intended for the church. Instead the church should be “a do-it-yourself, de-institutionalized, de-professionalized people in a caravan” – a community of the outward bound. Addressing individual members and congregations rather than church hierarchies, Eller provides concrete guidelines for achieving that goal.
Ell AC127
Distinctive Thumbprints in Regional Ministry
Episcopal Appalachian Ministries 1998 112 pp. SC
Ellertson, Patricia
This book consists of a series of case studies of regional or cluster ministries within various dioceses, primarily in the eastern United States. The studies are intended to highlight some – certainly not all, or even most – of the possibilities for putting together cluster or regional ministries, as an alternative to the traditional “one priest, one altar” form of ministry. The book is accompanied by a separate 24 p. study guide designed both for those interested in developing such ministries and those currently involved who can use an evaluation tool to gauge how they are doing.
Ell AC127A
Distinctive Thumbprints in Regional Ministry – Study Guide
Episcopal Appalachian Ministries 1998 24 pp. SC
Ellertson, Patricia
This booklet accompanies Distinctive Thumbprints in Regional Ministry, a series of case studies of regional or cluster ministries within various dioceses, primarily in the eastern United States, in rural environments similar to those in the Maritimes.
Fre AC017 (missing)
Challenge for Change: Clergy and Congregations
— — — —
Frensdorf, Wesley; and Wilson, Charles R.
No abstract.
Gae AC076
Ending With Hope: A Resource for Closing Congregations
The Alban Institute 2002 173 pp. SC
Gaede, Beth Ann
An excellent resource for congregations facing tough decisions; whether to close and move on, and how. It gives insight into the effects on individuals, on pastors and on the group and makes suggestions for “grief ministry”, discernment of new life, ending with compassion, mindful of the theological theme that resurrection follows death, and offering stories from eight denominations and practical methods for dealing with the pain and possibilities of such a transition.
Gae AC166
When a Congregation is Betrayed: Responding to Clergy Misconduct
The Alban Institute 2006 227 pp. SC
Gaede, Beth Ann, ed.
Not limited to sexual misconduct, but addressing the full range of trust-shattering behaviour by church leaders, this book invites our deep reflection and bold action as stewards of trust, that essential prerequisite of mission. Written by a team of established experts, it guides church leaders through the steps and challenges that will help them turn a tragedy into a journey to new-found faith and a broader vision of good and evil. This book is about taking timely, appropriate, and responsible action to effect healing and restore hope.
Gib AC146
Christians with Secular Power
Fortress Press 1981 135 pp. SC
Gibbs, Mark
To help laypersons carry out their Christian commitments, particularly in the secular world outside church walls and organizations, the author provides a theological rationale for the full ministry of the laity. He faces the hard questions of lay involvement in the secular structures of today’s world, discussing the problems of responsibility, how to grow in responsibility, and special occupations and opportunities. Among the latter, he includes sharp introductions to issues facing the Christian laity in politics, business, labor unions, the police and the military, and in the media.
Gli AC147
With All Thy Mind: Worship that Honors the Way God Made Us
The Alban Institute 2006 182 pp. SC
Glick, Robert P.
This volume invites your careful reading, as the writer looks at worship as an integrated and integrating experience, and considers the subtle but powerful role the brain has played in our “worship wars.” In this challenging work, he calls us to examine our treasured worship traditions in light of the mind and heart of God. This fifth volume in The Alban Institute series on worship takes a look at the remarkable differences in aptitude, temperament, and preference among those who gather in church. It looks at right-brain/left-brain differences and suggests that there is much to be gained by discovering how the differences in how we are wired can enrich our appreciation and love for one another.
Goo AC167
Congregational Fitness: Healthy Practices for Layfolk
The Alban Institute 2000 128 pp. SC
Goodman, Denise W.
At last lay people are given an equal share in shaping a congregation’s life: a resource on congregational well-being especially designed for them. this book offers congregational lay leaders the insights and information they need to help their congregations become places of joy, fruitfulness, and resiliency. The author shares here own strategies for self-care, so vital for a lay leader caught in the midst of a congregational distress. This down-to-earth resource reads like a quiet chat with a wise and seasoned companion.
Had AC039
Rerouting the Protestant Mainstream:
Sources of Growth and Opportunities for Change
— 1995 — —
Hadaway, C. Kirk; and Roozen, David A.
A tightly focused analysis of trends, denominational influences, and directions for the future. Demonstrates that, as the alternative to fixing “theology” and “educating for leadership”, churches grow when they “affirm and experience the presence of God in worship.”
Hah AC019
The Minister is Leaving: A Project Test Pattern Book in Parish Development
— — — —
Hahn, Celia A.
No abstract.
Hah AC036
Uncovering Your Church’s Hidden Spirit
— 2001 — —
Hahn, Celia Allison
The author reports the results of a careful study on congregational spirituality, by telling stories of several parishes and their experiences in spiritual growth and direction and presenting a model for church discernment and fostering spiritual gifts.
Han AC200
Church Growth and the Power of Evangelism: Ideas That Work
Cowley Publications 1990 247 pp. HC
Hanchey, Howard
At a time when church attendance is dropping and fears of church closings are widespread, the author insists that we keep a proper perspective on evangelism. The health and growth of a church depends not on the size of its membership, but on its openness to the spirit of god displayed by the congregation and clergy. The book provides many practical ideas on how to kindle such an attitude and ignite the membership of even the smallest church.
Har AC025
The New Fun Encyclopedia 2: Parties and Banquets
— — — —
Harbin, E. O.; and Sessoms, Bob
No abstract.
Har AC093
Build Your Own Bible Study
The Bible Reading Fellowship 2002 128 pp. SC
Harmer, Eric
This book is a practical, down-to-earth guide to leading Bible study groups, with the aim of equipping and emboldening “ordinary” Christians to see that they too can lead not only Bible studies but house groups and evangelistic studies, and can even help their own families to grow in faith by learning from Scripture. The author writes from years of experience that have proved what a crucial part small group studies can play in the life of a healthy church.
Har AC053
You Only Have to Die: Leading Your Congregation to New Life
— 2004 — —
Harnish, James A.
The author shows how God calls a congregation to a specific mission and it only has to be willing to die to its entrenched attitudes to be resurrected to new life and ministry. Relating the congregation to an entity with a sick heart, he provides stories/examples, vision, and practical steps to discernment and transformation, coining the term “congregational cardiomyopathy” and aptly choosing Scripture and prayer to guide the process.
Har AC133
Close the Back Door: Ways to Create a Caring Congregational Fellowship
Concordia Publishing House 1984 127 pp. SC
Harre, Alan F.
No abstract.
Has AC026
The Rural Church: Learning from Three Decades of Change
— — — —
Hassinger, Edward W.; Holik, John S; and Benson, J. Kenneth
No abstract.
Hau AC148
A Ready Hope: Effective Disaster Ministry for Congregations
The Alban Institute 2009 248 pp. SC
Haueisen, Kathryn M.; and Flores, Carol H.
Clergy and congregations alike would be wise to read this thoughtful guide and learn from the scenario posed—and act to prepare and make their community more resilient. When, not if, the next disaster strikes your community, this book will help prepare its leaders. it offers a practical and accessible guide to preparing to serve and rebuild. Told entirely in case study format, it is a book to read before you need it, and one to have quickly available when disaster strikes.
Hop AC168
Congregation: Stories and Structure
Fortress Press 1987 219 pp. SC
Hopewell, James F.
This book fills an important gap in the literature of practical theology and describing situations, especially the empirical situation of the church. Using a language from church members, concepts from wide-ranging scholarship, and his experience as a pastor, the author has written the definitive study of congregational dynamics. The book is enormously provocative to anyone concerned to understand Christian communities theologically because it poses the Christ and culture issues in fresh and painfully unavoidable ways.
Hud AC048
Evaluating Ministry: Principles and Processes for Clergy and Congregations
The Alban Institute 1998 74 pp. SC
Hudson, Jill M.
The author combines pragmatic and spiritual counsel for the sensitive task of clergy evaluation. Well -grounded theologically in the notion of shared ministry, this book offers proven procedures, sample procedures, and accessible resources, outlining principles in the evaluation of ministry, that can be used to strengthen the relationship between pastors and congregations.
Hud AC169
Congregational Trauma: Caring, Coping & Learning
The Alban Institute 1998 165 pp. SC
Hudson, Jill M.
Trauma occurs all too frequently in churches (clergy misconduct, arson, suicide) as well as our world (natural disasters and terrorist attacks). The author draws on her own personal involvement with a traumatized congregation and provides a sensitive guide for responding to such situations, the psychological, theological, and spiritual dimensions involved, and the practical aspects of dealing with law enforcement personnel and the media. Church leaders can learn ways to keep the lines of communication open between the grieving church and a faithful God.
Joh AC111
Work of the Pastoral Relations Committee
Judson Press 1983 126 p. SC
Johnson, Emmett V.
The author explains how to organize the Pastoral Relations Committee, describes its functions, and outlines the benefits it offers to the overall ministry of the church. He addresses such issues as improving communication between pastor and people, hearing criticism and resolving conflict, handling the resignation or death of the pastor, finding interim leadership, calling a new pastor, and encouraging the pastor in professional development.
Joh AC114
Shaping Spiritual Leaders: Supervision and Formation in Congregations
Alban Institute 2007 151 pp. SC
Johnson, Abigail
This book supports leaders of congregations who want to develop or enhance healthy leadership practices. The author’s wide experience and reflective insights lead her to a collaborative supervision method that invites congregational leaders to accountable learning covenants, turning the whole congregation into a lifelong learning community that nurtures and equips all the saints.
Joi AC126
Life Scripts for the Church v.1
Nelson 2006 139 pp. SC
Joiner, Paul
Dramatic sketches take the congregation to new places without loading up the church bus. They help the church connect heart, soul, and mind with the pastor’s teaching from the Bible. Included are 24 sketches written to point the spotlight on the pulpit, not steal the show. The scripts are tightly written, heart-touching, and often side-splitting. Paul Joiner coaches on how to build Holy Stage Presence. Every script contains dramatic cautions and cues to make production less stressful. Plus, Paul provides ten essentials to building and maintaining a drama ministry.
Joi AC149
The Abingdon Guide to Funding Ministry:
An Innovative Sourcebook for Pastors and Church Leaders
Abingdon Press 1995 159 pp. SC
Joiner, Donald W.; and Wimberly, Norma
This annually issued but timeless guide is designed to assist the leaders of a congregation in soliciting, managing, and utilizing donor contributions or other sources of revenue in an effective and appropriate fashion. It is based on the premise that church leaders have a universal felt ned: Revenues must be obtained and managed to fund the mission and programs of the congregation. In addition to congregational stewardship, it contains numerous features to help maximize income and minimize wasteful expenses.
Ken AC170
Evangelism Explosion: The Coral Ridge Program for Lay Witness – Third Edition
Tyndale House Publishers 1983 178 pp. SC
Kennedy, D. James
Lay persons can not only be trained to witness but they can be trained to train others to witness and thus multiply their labours. The results of such lay evangelism in Coral Ridge were astonishing, and the aim of this book is to help other churches, pastors, and lay persons to learn better how to do person-to-person evangelism and also how to train others to do the same. Thousands of other churches throughout the United States and much of the rest of the world have experienced new life and vitality and many conversions as a result of applying the principles and procedures first tested out in the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church.
Kil AC095
The Restless Church: A Response to The Comfortable Pew
McClelland & Stewart 1966 196 pp. SC
Kilbourn, William, ed.
This book is a response to a liberal humanist by people speaking from experience within the Judaeo-Christian tradition. It is a discussion of questions raised by Pierre Berton, not a point-by-point reply to him. Distinguished contributors include Bishop John A. T. Robinson, Bishop James A. Pike, Monica Furlong, Peter Berger, and Patrick Watson.
Kir AC171
Small Groups in the Church: A Handbook for Creating Community
The Alban Institute 1995 144 pp. SC
Kirkpatrick, Thomas G.
Millions of people in North America participate in small groups that meet regularly and provide caring and support for their members. Many of these are groups such as Bible studies, prayer fellowships, and Sunday school classes sponsored by churches. Yet the results of such participation are mixed, with some people experiencing a genuine deepening of their faith while others are exposed to a DIY, quick-fix religion that is as shallow as the wider culture in which we live. This book instructs church leaders how to make small groups function more effectively to meet the need for community in today’s world. Especially valuable are the suggestions for recruitment and training of group leaders.
Kit AC045
The Postmodern Parish: New Ministry for a New Era
The Alban Institute 2003 110 pp. SC
Kitchens, Jim
From his experience as co-pastor in a dynamic and growing mainline congregation, Jim Kitchens outlines a congregation and minister’s struggle with theological integrity and mutual trust in sorting out differences in styles of worship, Christian formation and education, the church’s mission, leadership and sets a dynamic and workable context for ministry in the 21st century.
Kni AC120
Joy in the Parish: Hope for Pastor and People
Concordia Publishing House 2002 96 pp. SC
Knippel, Charles T.
In these pages, you’ll find a balanced analysis of how a church community can renew its joy in the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit and the saving work of Jesus Christ. Learn suggestions for increasing joy among the people of God. Discover how the whole church can experience joy as pastors and members begin to understand and correct their roles – all to the glory of God.
Lan AC077
Our Community: Dealing with Conflict in Our Congregation
— 2002 — —
Lang, Susan M.
Acknowledging that conflicts will arise in congregations, so, instead of trying to prevent it, the author offers a way to develop skills to make sense of past controversy, better understand a current situation, prevent the unhealthy escalation of conflict, and promote forgiveness and healing. The book includes reproducible tools such as “Hooks and Hot spots” and self-assessment guides, that can also be downloaded and customized.
Discover Your Conflict Management Style
The Alban Institute 1997 39+ pp. SC
Leas, Speed B.
The author, a senior consultant of the Alban Institute and authority on conflict in churches, helps you assess your conflict response and discover options appropriate to different levels of conflict in congregations.
Len AC184
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
Jossey-Bass 2002 229 pp. HC
Lencioni, Patrick
Here is a gripping analysis of what makes teams work effectively for any leader who has come to grips with the fact that no one makes progress or succeeds alone. The author distills the problems that keep even the most talented teams from realizing their full potential. Happily, in crisp, clear, and fun to read prose, he also shows how to solve them, outlining actionable steps to overcome the five common hurdles and build a cohesive, effective team.
LeP AC020
Paths of Leadership: Guiding Others Toward Growth in Christ Through Serving, Following, Teaching, Modelling, Envisioning
— 1983 — —
Le Peau, Andrew T.
The focus here is on the ways anyone can be a leader. Explains how Christian growth takes place in an environment of serving, following, facilitating, teaching, modeling and envisioning. Demonstrates that good leadership is a group effort.
Lev AC110
Stepping Forward: Synagogue Visioning and Planning
The Alban Institute 2008 268 pp. SC
Leventhal, Robert
The author provides tools for leaders to gather a team and focus them on a hopeful future. When leaders step forward to address important issues of the community, their questions and conversations change that community. New leadership should increase the capacity for ongoing conversations and community building. The book can be used as a manual for congregations or as a decision-making tool for leaders who want to use the Synagogue Visioning and Planning (SVP) process in their settings.
Lid AC012
Church Family Ministry:
Changing Loneliness to Fellowship in the Church
— 1985 111 pp. —
Lidums, Susan B.
The importance of family ministry in congregations is discussed, with the emphasis on the family unit. This resource would be helpful to clergy who are interested in ministering to the family unit as a whole.
Lit AC032
Parish Enrichment Weekend
— und. — —
Little, Diane
A handbook for doing a parish enrichment weekend, including tentative schedule of events, guidelines for talks, etc.
Lot AC150
Conflict Management in Congregations
The Alban Institute 2001 163 pp. SC
Lott, David B., ed.
Here is a collection of writings from people who are field researchers, each of whom brings his or her experience with a different culture and a different literature that shapes the way she or he views the world. Neither dated nor passé, these essays are fresh and immediately useful to what is confronting synagogues and churches today. Perhaps the greatest value of this book can be that the reader will have more options in conflict, and will see that others have met similar challenges and have coped with what was presented to them.
Low AC085
Zen and Creative Management
— — — —
Low, Albert
No abstract.
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