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Authors M to Z and abstracts
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Abstracts follow the author list; click on the dots at right to navigate down the page.

MacKenzie, Marilyn
MacLeod, Greg
Malefyt, Norma de Waal
Mallory, Sue
Malphurs, Aubrey
Mann, Alice B.
Mantell, Keith
Martin, Jim
Maybee, Maylanne, ed.
McFayden, Kenneth J.
McGavran, Donald
McKinney, Mary Benet
McKenna, David L.
McNeal, Reggie
Mead, Loren B.
Merritt, Carol Howard
Michell, Neal O.
Miller, Donald E.
Miller, Keith
Milton, Ralph

Moots, Paul
Morris, Danny E.

Nessan, Craig L.
Nicholson, Roger S., ed.
Nixon, Paul
Noyce, Gaylord

Ogden, Greg
Olsen, Charles M.
Oswald, Roy M.
Ott, E. Stanley
Owen, Harrison

Pappas, Anthony G.
Parsons, George
Payne, Bishop Claude E.
Peluso-Verdend, Gary E.
Percy, Harold
Petrea, Raymond A., ed.
Phillips, Wm. Bud
Posterski, Don
Powers, Bruce P., ed.

Rediger, G. Lloyd
Rendle, Gilbert R. 
Risk, Jack
Robinson, Anthony B.
Rosenau, Jeff
Rothauge, Arlin J.
Roxburgh, Alan J.
Ruth, Kibbie Simmons

Sanford, John A.
Satterlee, Craig A.
Scales, Rev. Sherrill Jr.
Schaller, Lyle E.
Schwarz, Christian A.
Scurlock, Robin 
Sellon, Mary K.
Senge, Peter
Sim, R. Alex
Sims, Bennett J.
Sinclair, Donna
Sitze, Bob
Slosser, Bob
Smith, Daniel P.
Smith, James Bryan
Snow, Luther K.
Spiegel, Aaron
Stackhouse, Reginald
Stebinger, Peter A.R.
Steinke, Peter L.
Stevens, R. Paul
Sumrall, Velma

Sweetser, Thomas

Thompson, George B., Jr.
Towson, Louis A.

Vanderwell, Howard, ed.
Vincent, Mark L.

Waldkoenig, Gibson A. C.
Warren, Robert
Weems, Lovett H.
Westerhoff, John H. III
Whitesel, Bob
Williams, Cassandra D. Carkuff
Wilson, Charles R.
Woods, C. Jeff

Young, Pamela Dickey


MacK AC152
The Volunteer Development Toolbox:
Tools and techniques to enhance volunteer and staff effectiveness
Partners Plus          1993          90 pp.            SC
MacKenzie, Marilyn; and Moore, Gail
The Toolbox was created to help leadership volunteers and staff teach others about the principles and practices of volunteer management. Many people who work with volunteers have had no formal training in the effective mobilization of this important resource. The Toolbox assists leaders to develop a strong and effective volunteer force and is designed to promote active learning – a chance to try out the tool and to talk about its unique application in your own organization. The format also includes background theory that will build the confidence and competence of the session leader.

MacK AC189
The Group Member’s Handbook:
Strategies for Great Groups, Meaningful Meetings, Resounding Results
Heritage Arts Publishing          1993          194 pp.          SC
MacKenzie, Marilyn; and Moore, Gail
The world of church is full of groups of every size and description. They inevitably spend time at meetings, and this book is an invitation to great ones. Whether you are a brand new committee member, a new chairperson, or a seasoned veteran, this book is full of practical pointers, observations, worksheets, forms, and lots of lively examples. You can return to it again and again when you’re faced with a new group meeting challenge.

MacL AC174
The Concept in Operation (The Community Business Series)
Tompkins Institute UCCB          1991          65 pp.           SC Booklet
MacLeod, Greg
For church leaders familiar with experiments in community business and interested in new avenues for church growth, this booklet offers an overview of  the basic orientation, and the driving force of commitment to community which sets them off as being different from the conventional, traditional, privately-oriented business structures. This kind of corporation serves as an instrument that is particularly appropriate for communities which have been depleted by social and economic factors beyond their control and need to restore the institutional vitality necessary for modern economic development.

Mal AC055
Designing Worship Together: Models and Strategies for Worship Planning
—          2005           —          —
Malefyt, Norma de Waal; and Vanderwell, Howard
This is a helpful and much needed resource for planning worship in new and creative ways, showing congregations how to plan, implement, and worship with theological integrity.

Mal AC106
The Equipping Church: Serving Together to Transform Lives
Zondervan          2001           201 pp.           HC
Mallory, Sue
The author describes the benefits, the structure, and the culture of an equipping church and shows how your congregation can become one. This book is about limitless possibilities. Think “vision.” What might your church look like if its members became vital, fully empowered partners in ministry? How can you help them discover and release their full potential? How would their roles change – and yours?

Mal AC052
Leading Leaders: Empowering Church Boards for Ministry Excellence
Baker Books          2005          251 pp.           SC
Malphurs, Aubrey
Needs abstract.

Man AC001
Incorporation of New Members in the Episcopal Church
—          1983          —          —
Mann, Alice B.
This resource was commissioned by the Alban Institute for clergy and laity who want parishes to do a more faithful and effective work of drawing people into a deep and lasting relationship with Christ and his Church.

Man AC050
Can Our Church Live? Redeveloping Congregations in Decline
—          1999          —           —
Mann, Alice
Alice Mann offers provocative questions to consider for the process of redeveloping a congregation in decline — a complete resource for discernment and planning, a rich tapestry of stories blended with a solid synthesis of theory.

Man AC064
Raising the Roof: The Pastoral-to-Program Size Transition
—          2001          —          —
Mann, Alice
In this resource designed specifically for a congregational learning team, Alice Mann addresses the transitional difficulties encountered by individuals and parishes. The book features a five-step process and resources, and also includes a discussion of a major new concept, passive barriers to growth. The resource also features Mann’s “System Change Index” tool to help congregations measure their progress along the way.

Man AC128                      (missing)
The Derby Diocesan Family: A Handbook of Diocesan Life and Parish Administration
Derby Diocesan Council of Education          1987           36 pp.          SC Booklet
Mantell, Keith; and Harvey, Revd. Norman
This small handbook is intended to provide church members with an overview of diocesan life and parish administration, and to enable church wardens and parochial church council secretaries and treasurers to understand and fulfil their responsibilities effectively.

Mar AC190
The Just Church: Becoming a risk-taking, justice-seeking, disciple-making congregation
Tyndale Momentum          2012          260 pp.          SC
Martin, Jim
The author and International Justice Mission are on the front lines of the battle for justice in the world’s darkest and most dangerous places. They’ve become experts not only at bringing rescue to victims of violence, sex trafficking, slavery and oppression, but also at bringing churches into the fight through the amazing things that happen when churches join the fight for justice. Here are tangible, accessible strategies to help your church respond to God’s call to seek justice, defend the widow and orphan, and rescue the oppressed in far-off places and right in your own community.

May AC041
All Who Minister: New Ways of Serving God’s People
Anglican Book Centre          2001          251 pp.           SC
Maybee, Maylanne, ed.
No abstract.

McF AC175
Strategic Leadership for a Change: Facing Our Losses, Finding Our Future
Alban Institute           2009           111 pp.          SC
McFayden, Kenneth J.
Grounded in the author’s real experience with congregations and their leaders, this book offers significant insight into the implementation of change and how, as leaders, we can help congregational members and church systems accept and even embrace change. The author reminds us that while we live in anxious times, and anxious people seldom make good decisions, the most powerful antidote to anxiety is good leadership, which is also a form of discipleship.

McG AC021
Understanding Church Growth – Fully Revised
—          —          —          —
McGavran, Donald A.
No abstract.

McG AC027
Church Growth: Strategies That Work
—          —          —          —
McGavran, Donald; and Hunter, George G III
No abstract.

McK AC125
Never Blink in a Hailstorm and Other Lessons on Leadership
Baker Books           2005           142 pp.          SC
McKenna, David L.
The author shows constructive ways to deal with common leadership problems quickly and courageously. Writing from both theory and experience, he offers gutsy advice like “Never Swallow Perfume,” “Never Hide behind a Gas Mask,” and “Never die from Failure.” Through creative, time-tested maxims, McKenna teaches the leader to avoid the snare of saboteurs and use clear communication to keep the delicate balance between vision and trust.

McK AC033
Sharing Wisdom: A Process for Group Decision Making
—          1987          —          —
McKinney, Mary Benet
In a church that treasures collegiality, decision making is a process of sharing wisdom.  Taking into account the faith dimension for group decision making in a religious context, the author proposes a model for decision making that is specifically Christian.

McN AC102
The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church
Jossey-Bass          2003           151 pp.           HC
McNeal, Reggie
The author identifies the six most important realities that church leaders must address including: recapturing the spirit of Christianity and replacing “church growth with a wider vision of “kingdom growth; developing disciples instead of church members; fostering the rise of a new apostolic leadership; focusing on spiritual formation rather than church programs; and shifting from prediction and planning tp preparation for the challenges of an uncertain world.

Mea AC007
The Once and Future Church:
Reinventing the Congregation for a New Mission Frontier
The Alban Institute          1991           92 pp.            SC
Mead, Loren B.
The author takes a broad and insightful look at past and present changes in the church and postulates a future to which those changes are calling us – Mead’s vision of congregational mission in the next century.

Mea AC008
Transforming Congregations for the Future
—          1994          —           —
Mead, Loren B.
In this sequel to his “The Once and Future Church,” the author picks up where he left off.  If God is calling the church to reshape itself, where do we begin?  On what basis should we build?  Mead focuses on what he sees as the essential task and age-old call of the church–living and breathing the good news promise of spiritual transformation for all to see.

Mea AC009
More Than Numbers: The Way Churches Grow
The Alban Institute          1993          113 pp.           SC
Mead, Loren B.
The author explores what church growth and evangelism really mean in a time when it is mathematically impossible for every congregation in every location to achieve significant numerical growth.  His vision of church growth expands to include justice, pastoral care, and spirituality.

Mea AC057
A Change of Pastors: And How It Affects Change in the Congregation
The Alban Institute          2005          100 pp.            SC
Mead, Loren B.
Needs abstract.

Mea AC176
Critical Mment of Ministry: A Change of Pastors
The Alban Institute          1986           74 pp.            SC Booklet
Mead, Loren B.
Here is a resource that takes seriously the positive potential of a congregation’s time between pastors. Strong sections dealing with the role of the lay board member and the search committee member are particularly helpful. This is a reference to help pastors, congregations, and judicatory executives make the change of pastors a time of new vision and new life. The opportunities include those of long-range planning, higher levels of ministry, theological reflection about the church, and a time for parishes to focus on the delicate relationship between the congregation and its community.

Mer AC092
Tribal Church: Ministering to the Missing Generation
The Alban Institute            2007           164 pp.          SC
Merritt, Carol Howard
The author dismantles the wall of stained glass that often separates mainline churches from people under forty. Combining real-life stories, personal reflections as a thirty-something, and current research, she affords congregations a clearer, more compassionate view not only of the “missing generation,” but of themselves and their ministry.

Mic AC056
How to Hit the Ground Running:
A Quick-Start Guide for Congregations with New Leadership
—          2005          —          —
Michell, Neal O.
For the new rector or pastor, or principle lay leaders, this user-friendly work-book style  program takes the new paster, vestry  or leadership bodies from one month prior to the new leader’s arrival through the first eighteen months afterward, giving step-by-step suggestions for how the sometimes stalled and directionless period of transition in a faith community can be made dynamic and purposeful — a time of true congregational development.

Mil AC151
Story and Context: An Introduction to Christian Education
Abingdon Press          1987           400 pp.           SC
Miller, Donald E.
This is a complete introduction to Christian education. It discusses the major issues in the field and discusses: Nurturing faith through Christian education, effective contemporary theories of Christian education, religious instruction from the time of the Hebrew Bible to the present, The use of story within a faith community, the use of global themes in Christian education, and teaching, administration, and curriculum.

Mil AC123
The Passionate People: Carriers of the Spirit
Word Books          1979          234 pp.          SC
Miller, Keith; and Larson, Bruce
This resource will show you how to become a carrier of the Spirit as well as how to do the carrying. The authors help you probe the processes of giving and receiving; how you can share your love with another person; how to grow through effective small group relationships; how you can help bring about change in and through large institutions. Most important, the book seeks to lead you into your inner self to reveal powerful resources you’ve always had but never utilized to identify and carry forward your own special passionate purpose.

Mil AC121
How to Write and Publish Your Church History
Wood Lake Books          1986          79 pp.          SC
Milton, Ralph
This book offers easy suggestions and guidelines for parishes and religious communities that decide to write their story: how the parish can organize for all aspects of a history-writing project, from research through to the finished book. The ideas are practical, money saving, and clearly presented. This book will turn the chore of writing a history into a happy experience, one that will contribute to the spiritual growth of the entire community.

Moo AC082
Becoming Barnabas: The Ministry of Encouragement
The Alban Institute           2004          138 pp.          SC
Moots, Paul
No abstract.

Mor AC083
Discerning God’s Will Together: A Spiritual Practice for the Church
The Alban Institute           1997           144 pp.           SC
Morris, Danny E.; and Olsen, Charles M.
The authors explore the possibilities of using spiritual discernment in the decision making process for individuals, small groups, religious deliberative bodies of all sizes. Comparing the systems imposed by various layers of our historical culture (instead of Robert’s Rules of Order, why not “God, is this your will?”) and using examples of everyday tasks as metaphors and Biblical allegory, they give practical understanding of this challenge and illustrate the difference an interactive approach can make to the experience and outcome of church work.  

Nes AC191
Beyond Maintenance to Mission: A Theology of the Congregation
Fortress Press          2010          178 pp.          SC
Nessan, Craig L.
Here in a newly revised edition is a powerful and pertinent guide for congregations wanting to move away from “maintenance thinking” to powerful, creative engagement with the world. The author’s model of mission-driven leadership is strongly centred on the community of faith’s worship. Around the twin foci of congregational identity and mission, the chapters in this dynamic book provide solid theological and radical direction on the themes of worship, education, fellowship, stewardship, evangelism, global connections, and social ministry.

Nic AC049
Temporary Shepherds: A Congregational Handbook for Interim Ministry                                                                                                                             The Alban Institute          1998           205 pp.          SC
Nicholson, Roger S., ed.
The intentional Interim Ministry is demystified in this resource for leaders in congregations anticipating or going through a pastoral transition, for clergy who want to understand interim ministry better, for anyone who loves the church of Jesus Christ and wants the best possible leadership for its life and mission. With myriad stories taken from their experience with hundreds of churches as interims, the authors help us get the whole picture of the many gifts interim ministry brings to the church. Many mismatches of congregations with new pastors might have been avoided had this book been read and taken to heart by the leaders involved, lay and ordained alike.

Nix AC054
Healing Spiritual Amnesia: Remembering What It Means to be the Church
          2004                     –
Nixon, Paul
Putting aside cliches and easy assumptions about congregational health and vitality, Paul Nixon proposes the reason for all church decline is that they have forgotten who they are, and re-affirms their reason for being: reaching out to those who do not know God in Christ, worshipping to come to the presence of God, and suggests that “spiritual amnesia comes from concerns with institutional survival and personal comfort, and can be healed by applying to contemporary culture what generations of Christians have learned.

Noy AC153
Church Meetings that Work                                                                                                                            
The Alban Institute          1994           73 pp.          SC
Noyce, Gaylord
Church meetings—those dreary chores that both clergy and lay people often so understandably dread—are re-visioned here as events of vitality and purpose, in which church members rediscover their common calling and find practical ways to honour that vision together. The author brings to this task his expertise on group process, leadership, and conflict, as well as his “relaxed curiosity,” a quality he recommends to anyone approaching the ordeal of a church meeting. This is a liberating book, practical but rooted in good theory about human motivation, organizational dynamics, and group behaviour.

Ogd AC154
Unfinished Business: Returning the Ministry to the People of God                                                                                                                             Zondervan          2003          282 pp.          SC
Ogden, Greg
The Reformation restored the Scriptures to the people, but the job was only halfway finished. Today the church is awakening to the truth that ministry is not just the domain of clergy, but belongs to the entire body of Christ. God is moving her to complete the unfinished business of placing the ministry back in the hands of the people. This book has become a classic resource for church life, expanding on and updating the original material from the first published version in 1990, The New Reformation. With fresh examples and references to eight key movements, this new edition lays foundations for the church to move from: passive to active, maintenance to mission, clergy to people of God, and teacher/caregiver to equipping enabler.

Ols AC105
Selecting Church Leaders: A Practice in Spiritual Discernment
Upper Room Books          2002          229 pp.          SC
Olsen, Charles M. and Morseth, Ellen
This is a challenging, practical and honest treatment of the biblical concept of discernment compared to the current cultural models of decision making. It offers a needed corrective to the often agonizing experience of nominating/search committee work by recognizing God’s work at the center of the process and providing steps to intentionally connect the Holy Spirit to leadership selection.

Ols AC192
Transforming Church Boards into communities of spiritual leaders                                                                                                                           The Alban Institute          1995          190 pp.          SC
Olsen, Charles M.
The author provides a model for a new way of working on church boards that can be fulfilling instead of draining. So many people have been burned out by serving in what should be an experience in which faith is nurtured. The program provided is about sharing stories, scripture, prayer, and discernment. These can lead to new life and new possibilities. The book is about how ordinary people are led to integrate their work of leading the organization of the congregation with leading the spiritual life of the congregation.

Ols AC193
Twelve Dynamic Shifts for Transforming Your Church                                                                                                                           William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company          2002          113 pp.          SC
Olsen, Charles M.
Arguing that the crisis in the church today is due to a loss of personal spirituality and congregational vitality, the author challenges pastors and church leaders to adjust the style of their ministries to attract new people while continuing to encourage current members. He examines the characteristics of the “traditional” church, extols the features of the new “transformational” church, and lays out inspiring yet practical proposals to help congregations make the transition from traditional to transformational.

Osw AC004
The Inviting Church: A Study of New Member Assimilation
         1987          —          —
Oswald, Roy M.; and Leas, Speed B.
The authors, a Lutheran pastor and United Church of Christ minister, have captured the keys to assimilating new members with a fine balance between sound theology and practical counsel.

Osw AC044
Beginning Ministry Together: The Alban Handbook for Clergy Transitions
The Alban Institute          2003          148 pp.          SC
Oswald, Roy M.; Heath, James M.; and Heath, Ann W.
This helpful guide provides an orderly, thoughtful and spirit-filled map of the journey
between pastorates, including search committee mechanics, candidate selection, and 
guidance on coping with the stress of transition, conducting exit interviews, and tools for saying a “good” goodbye.

Osw AC177
Finding Leaders for Tomorrow’s Churches: The Growing Crisis in Clergy Recruitment 
The Alban Institute          1993          122 pp.          SC
Oswald, Roy M.
This book is necessary reading for anyone involved in recruiting, screening, or preparing people for the ordained ministry. Current trends in most traditional denominations indicate a decline in the quality of clergy candidates as well as a decline in the number of congregations that can afford a resident full-time pastor. The focus here is on the point-of-passage from a decision to enter ministry to the ultimate acceptance or rejection by a denomination.

Osw AC185
New Beginnings: A Pastorate Start-Up Workbook                                                                                                                           The Alban Institute          1989          82 pp.          SC
Oswald, Roy M.
The author’s professional growth and deepened understanding of the start-up period is shown by much new material. His recognition of the new minister’s need to celebrate and ease the transition of the pastor search committee back into being “regular members” is particularly insightful. There is also a much needed discussion of role clarification and the psychological contract members make with pastors. The workbook format provides reflective exercises.

Ott AC003
The Vibrant Church: A People-Building Plan for Congregational Health
         1989          —          —
Ott, E. Stanley
A people-building plan for congregational health that builds people through nurturing, discipleship and lay ministry.

Owe AC051
Open Space Technology: A User’s Guide (Second Edition) 
         1997          —          —
Owen, Harrison
A hands-on, detailed description of facilitating Open Space Technology (OST) by the originator of the method for organizing and getting effective communication and results from meetings from 5 to 1,000 people.  OST is based on the principal that the circle is the most effective configuration for group communication — but the book offers more, that is, practical, step-by-step easily repeatable strategies fro dealing with hugely complex issues.

Pap AC155
Entering the World of the Small Church                                                                                                                             The Alban Institute          2000          142 pp.          SC
Pappas, Anthony G.
This is a new and improved edition of the book, containing a number of new chapters. Especially helpful is the one on “Assessing Congregational Health,” which is a useful guide for church sessions, governing councils, and pastors. It helps to locate the right mix between the appreciation of tradition and a willingness to innovate. The book as a whole is alive with insights that can transform a “ho-hum” experience of the small church into an “a-ha” ministry, and offers a fresh view of the small church landscape.

Par AC186
Understanding Your Congregation as a System: The Manual                                                                                                                           The Alban Institute          1993          142 pp.          SC
Parsons, George; and Leas, Speed B.
Here is a tool for figuring out what is going wrong in congregational systems without clear criteria or appropriate measures. It is an indispensable volume for the pastor, for consultants, for mediators, teachers, or seminarians. It offers an incisive instrument for measuring systems dynamics, and a superb manual for applying the findings to system change. This reduces the excesses on either end of the system’s way of functioning. Their approach is, in good conflict theory, not to raise anxiety or add drives, but to identify the excesses and reduce the over-investments.

Pay AC075
Reclaiming the Great Commission: 
A Practical Model for Transforming Denominations and Congregations
         2001          —          —
Payne, Bishop Claude E.; and Beazley, Hamilton
This book describes a biblically based model that can restore the missionary power of first-century Christianity to 21st Century denominations and their congregations. Based on shared vision and mission, the model can guide the members of any congregation or denomination into deeper and broader evangelism, an enhanced experience of community, and a renewed hope of personal and spiritual transformation.

Pel AC061
Paying Attention: Focusing Your Congregation on What Matters
         2005          —          —
Peluso-Verdend, Gary E.
In a world of fast-paced technology, distractions and novelty watch-words that are carried over to church life in the form of easy-step guides to Christian community, this book explores the deeper questions and challenges to being present to God and neighbour.  Based on the ancient principle that attention is the origin of faith, hope and love, it offers meditations on Jesus and attention, theological conversations, and practices, frameworks and leadership in an attentive congregation.

Per AC038
Your Church Can Thrive: Making the Connections That Build Healthy Congregations
ABC Publishing          2003          118 pp.          SC
Percy, Harold
This resource helps congregations answer critical questions about how their church can grow and assists the reader with the crucial issue of motivation and making strategic assessments of the people it is most likely to reach.

Pet AC014                          BOOKLET
The Communicating Congregation: A Handbook  
Parish Life Press       1984           40 pp.          SC
Petrea, Raymond A.; and Jahsmann, Allan, eds.
The subjects covered include the communications committee, bulletin preparation, newsletter editor, clergy, church council, and evangelism and education committees.

Phi AC178
Pastoral Transitions From Endings to New Beginnings 
The Alban Institute          1988          67 pp.          SC
Phillips, Wm. Bud
Whether you have experienced pastoral transition as a clergyperson or a layperson, you have the feeling that the author has “been there” with you, living through the joys, challenges, and frustrations of the experience. This is no abstract treatise or impersonal analysis, but a compassionate, accurate, and immensely practical account of what it is like to be in transition, what can be learned from such an experience, and how to cope with both endings and beginnings.

Pos AC156
Future Faith Churches:
Reconnecting with the Power of the Gospel for the 21st Century                                                                                                                             Wood Lake Books          1997          256 pp.          SC
Posterski, Don, and Nelson, Gary
The authors conducted in-depth interviews and focus groups with clergy and church members from churches representing evangelical and mainline Protestant and Catholic churches. The good news is that some churches – in every denomination and religious tradition – have found ways to embrace faith that is both personal and social. These churches will lead the way into the 21st century. An accessible, thought-provoking, and heartening book for lay leaders and clergy who take their ministry seriously.

Pow AC059
Church Administration Handbook: A Revised and Completely Updated Edition                                                                                                                             Broadman & Holman          1997          303 pp.          SC
Powers, Bruce P., ed.
This convenient volume contains all the basics for developing and implementing effective church administration, which is essential to the mission of a church and the leadership of clergy and lay leaders. A smooth-running church can concentrate on spreading the gospel, rather than on office supplies, insurance, and weeding the flowerbeds. A distinguished list of contributors writes about issues including: leadership and ministry skills, basic management and organization, office administration skills, assessing and improving your own administrative skills, producing church publications, recruiting and training volunteers, planning and budgeting, and employee relationships.


Red AC060

Clergy Killers: Guidance for Pastors and Congregations Under Attack
Westminster John Knox Press          1997          200 pp.          SC
Rediger, G. Lloyd
An experiential, practical and discerning analysis of how to respond to difficult, ornery, hostile, or mean-spirited people in congregations, from the clergy’s point of view. Rediger is a strong advocate and defender of those he perceives to be unfairly and inappropriately challenged by people so out of control they become vindictive and unwilling to negotiate disagreements and problems.

Ren AC113
When Moses Meets Aaron: Staffing and Supervision in Large Congregations
The Alban Institute          2007          261 pp.           SC
Rendle, Gil; and Beaumont, Sue
The authors have taken the best of corporate human resource tools and applied them to a congregational context, providing a comprehensive manual for supervising, motivating and coordinating staff teams. They give both detailed and big-picture guidance on hiring, job descriptions, supervision, performance evaluation, staff-team design, difficult staff behaviour, and more.

Ren AC117
Leading Change in the Congregation:
Spiritual and Organizational Tools for Leaders
The Alban Institute          1998          184 pp.          SC
Rendle, Gilbert R.
The author brings his continuing passion and extensive body of knowledge to bear on the question of empowering leaders of Spirit based organizations to find “the Way” through change, and the inextricably bound character of conflict. Naming and demythologizing the fear of change and converting its power into new found faith provides a pathway through “the wilderness” with skill, compassion, and power for the journey God unfolds for ministry.

Ren AC172
Holy Conversations:
Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Practice for Congregations
The Alban Institute          2003          289 pp.          SC
Rendle, Gil; and Mann, Alice
Rather than a one-size-fits-all guide, this handbook extends an authentic invitation for congregations to have “holy conversations”—and the tools are provided to help. Such conversations provide a pathway toward planning that is attentive to the Spirit and a congregation’s unique calling, both internally and in the context of community. Today, many congregations are searching for help in understanding how to move into the future. This book will be a trusted resource for that journey.

Ris AC181
A Strategy for Regional Ministry Development:

An Invitation to Dialogue
DNSPEI          2002          72 pp.          SC Booklet (large format)
Risk, Jack
The idea that several congregations in a region can cooperate to build capacity for ministry within their region lies at the heart of what is being suggested here. Congregations have the potential to share resources and collaborate on a regional basis, and this has the power to open up whole new areas of possibility for all concerned. An attempt is also made here to raise some broader questions for discussion.

Rob AC065              (missing)
What’s Theology Got To Do With It?
Convictions, Vitality, and the Church
—          2006          —          —
Robinson, Anthony B.
An examination, both instructional and provocative, of ways in which theology can be used, not as a mere abstract exercise, but to reclaim and think more accurately about the fundamental convictions of Christian faith.  With a rigorous approach to congregational life, it returns theology to the centre of pastoral ministry to help laity and clergy alike build a more vital community of faith.

Ros AC108
Building Bridges Not Walls:
Learning to Dialogue in the Spirit of Christ
Navpress          2003          142 pp.           SC
Rosenau, Jeff
This practical, biblical workbook shows how to respectfully dialogue with people who hold opposing viewpoints. Learn how to: see conflict as an opportunity to mature in Christ; replace gossip, quarrelling, and division with dialogue and unity; discuss controversial issues effectively; address racial/ethnic issues and religious/political differences; and communicate in ways that honour and glorify God.

Rot AC015
A Church is Born:
Basics for Starting and Developing a Mission Congregation
—          1984          —          —
Rothauge, Arlin
A parish resource for: communications committee, whoever prepares the bulletin, newsletter editor, clergy, church council, evangelism committee, education committee, for example.

Rot AC016
Sizing Up a Congregation for New Member Ministry
—          —          —          —
Rothauge, Arlin
This resource assumes that any size church is the right size, and any size church can attract new members, however, the most effective means of attracting new members varies with the size of the church.

Rox AC194
Missional Map-Making:
Skills for Leading in Times of Transition
Jossey-Bass/John Wiley & Sons          2010          204 pp.          HC
Roxburgh, Alan J.
Creatively building on earlier publications, the author offers a critical view on how to navigate the overwhelming complexity of today’s world. This important book provides insightful historical perspective toward clarifying the contours of the church landscape, while also being deeply instructive for helping reflective and courageous Christians develop skills for creating new maps toward participating more faithfully in God’s mission. Leaders are to be cartographers in a new terrain, shaping churches in which map-makers multiply as God is encountered in biblical texts and local contexts.

Rut AC107
Healthy Disclosure:
Solving Communications Quandaries in Congregations
The Alban Institute           2007          251 pp.          SC
Ruth, Kibbie Simmons; and McClintock, Karen A.
From proper ways to respond to rumours to relating information about a staff firing to the congregation, Healthy Disclosure is filled with step-by-step ideas for handling different types of sensitive material. It helps clergy and other congregational leaders understand levels of disclosure, including how and when to reveal information, the difference between privacy and secrecy, legal issues related to public knowledge, and the power of secrets from a congregation’s past.

San AC119
Between People: Communicating One-to-One
Paulist Press          1982          92 pp.          SC
Sanford, John A.
This is a concise and helpful book for those who want to improve their skills at one-on-one communication. On these pages you can learn how honest communication differs from “making pronouncements,” how people tend to set agendas when they communicate, how to listen creatively, how to deal with those who avoid confronting issues, and how to read body language. It is an invaluable book for parents, spouses, teachers, and business people.

Sat AC131
When God Speaks Through Change
—          —          —          —
Satterlee, Craig A.
No abstract.

Sca AC024
Church Site and Building New Development:
Planning, Designing and Financing
—          —           —          —
Scales, Rev. Sherrill Jr.
Intended to aid the churches and dioceses in planning and financing the erection, improvement, and repair of churches, rectories, and parochial buildings; in refunding or payment of indebtedness incurred in the pursuit of such objectives.

Sch AC101
The Interventionist
Abingdon Press          1997          205 pp.           SC
Schaller, Lyle E.
The most effective way to influence both individual and institutional behaviour is to ask questions. This book provides a conceptual framework for asking questions about congregations and it classifies various syndromes that prevent a church from making the changes that are needed for new life. It will help church leaders find a good match between the needs of a congregation and the gifts, skills, experience, personality, leadership style, and priorities of a candidate. It is also a productive guide for the trained, career interim minister who comes purposely for six to twenty-four months to sort out issues and syndromes that plague a congregation.

Sch AC201
Effective Church Planning
Abingdon Press          1979           176 pp.            SC
Schaller, Lyle E.
The author offers seven basic factors for translating important concepts from the behavioural sciences into terms that can be used for effectively solving church problems. Issues which face nearly every church of every denomination at one point or another are discussed, as well as budgeting, worship, evangelism, expansion of facilities, tenure, fellowship, and motivation. One chapter uses four case studies to illustrate how easy it is to focus on symptoms rather than on basic underlying causes. His method of problem-solving encourages planning with the future in mind.

Sch AC035
Natural Church Development:
A Guide to Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches (4th edition)
ChurchSmart Resources          2000           128 pp.           HC
Schwarz, Christian A.
The author is the founder of the Institute for Natural Church Development in Germany.  Based on the results of a comprehensive study involving 1,000 churches in 32 countries, he presents practical conclusions about why churches grow, to help church leaders assess and revitalize their congregations.

Sch AC195
Colour Your World with Natural Church Development:
Experiencing all that God has designed you to be (Canadian Edition)
NCD Media/FORDelm Inc.          2005           191 pp.           SC
Schwarz, Christian A.
This fascinating approach to church growth really works and has been accepted worldwide. In this follow-up to his earlier book, Natural Church Development: A Guide to Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches, he shows how the biblically-based principles of Natural Church Development (NCD) can also be a blessing for the spiritual development of the individual believer. This is a powerful, graphically presented book for people who seek to live out their faith with balance and passion. NCD has become a vibrant movement with national partners in seventy countries, involving 40,000 churches at time of publication.

Scu AC097
I Love My Work:
Six Studies to Help Churches Understand and Equip Christians in the Workplace
Terra Nova Publications          2002          123 pp.           SC
Scurlock, Robin; and Goss, Steve
The Church has largely embraced a secular view of work. The result is that few Christians nowadays see their jobs as spiritual service. This book is designed to help Christians understand that God is interested in their work lives, wherever he has called them to work. It will help them grasp why they really can love their work.

Sel AC063
Practicing Right Relationship:
Skills for Deepening Purpose, Finding Fulfillment, and Increasing Effectiveness in Your Congregation
—          2005          —          —
Sellon, Mary K.; and Smith, Daniel P.
This is a practical approach to helping pastors and congregations learn how to live out love in right relationship with self, with each other and with God; the authors present theories, stories, tools and exercises so that anyone can improve skills in building and practicing right relationships that enable our interactions to manifest God’s love and care.

Sen AC098
Presence: Human Purposes and the Field of the Future
Society for Organizational Learning/Doubleday          2004          289 pp.          SC
Senge, Peter; Scharmer, C. Otto; Jaworski, Joseph; and Flowers, Betty Sue
Four organizational pioneers draw on the wisdom and experience of 150 scientists, social leaders, and entrepreneurs to explore how transformational change arises, and the fresh possibilities it offers a world dangerously out of balance. Too often we remain stuck in old patterns of seeing and acting. By encouraging deeper levels of learning, and by making ourselves present in the world, we can create an awareness of ourselves as part of a larger whole.

Sim AC043
The Plight of the Rural Church
—          1990          —          —
Sim, R. Alex
The author presses for a renewed emphasis on “the spiritual content of rural living and a vigorous statement of rural values” to have the rural church take on a new role as a distinctive rural institution  to prevent decline and fulfill its prophetic mission.

Sim AC173
Servanthood: Leadership for the Third Millennium
Cowley Publications          1997          183 pp.          SC
Sims, Bennett J.
In a world and in churches so often caught up in a relentless pursuit of power, the author challenges us all to look afresh at what it means to be servants of one another. He asks us to boldly rethink our ideas about leadership and power and guides us through a compelling and spirit-filled journey that changes our ideas about how we lead, and how we follow. By the time he has explored how servanthood and power function in history, science, the economy, and theology, it is easy to agree with him that the paradox of servant leadership is our best hope for the future.

Sin AC040
Emmaus Road: Churches Making Their Way Forward
—          1999          —          —
Sinclair, Donna; and White, Christopher
This book explores alternatives to the mega-church and faithful-remnant models, suggesting through case histories that church renewal and growth can occur from rediscovering the hope that the disciples on the Emmaus road thought they had lost.

Sit AC081
Your Brain Goes to Church:
Neuroscience and Congregational Life
—          2005          —          —
Sitze, Bob
This is an excellent resource for thinking about the faith and behaviour of congregations from a scientific perspective that engages the reader in the relationship between brain science and theology — “neurotheology”. Using Bible references as analogies, The author explores distinctions between belief and knowledge, giving new insight into congregational behaviour, and showing what growth and development can happen when all sides of human nature, healthy or broken, is taken into account.

Sit AC109
Starting Simple: Conversations About the Way We Live
The Alban Institute          2007          192 pp.           SC
Sitze, Bob
The author believes conversations change us as individuals and that the most important social changes take place through conversation. He invites us into heart-to-heart conversations about simple living. He helps readers: Learn about what the Scriptures have to say about living a godly life in these times; find ways to repent of unsustainable lifestyle choices; gather courage to change the ways we think and live; speak and listen to the struggles of others, with honesty and respect. Readers may use the book to spark conversations, invite sharing, make decisions, or encourage others who are ready to change. Congregations will find it a good guide for small group discussions, family negotiations, or educational programming.

Slo AC005
Miracle in Darien
—          —          —          —
Slosser, Bob
No abstract.


Smi AC104
Pathway to Renewal: Practical Steps for Congregations
The Alban Institute          2008          184 pp.          SC
Smith, Daniel P. and Sellon, Mary K.
Like a GPS guidance system for congregations on an arduous wilderness journey, this book carefully distinguishes three phases: building the readiness of leaders to lead, developing a vision, and aligning the congregation’s life with the vision it has discerned. In their description of these phases, the authors integrate wisdom from many sources into a coherent stream of guidance.

Smi AC157
A Spiritual Formation Workbook:                                                                                             
Small Group Resources for Nurturing Christian Growth                                                                                                                            
HarperSanFrancisco          1993          82 pp.          SC
Smith, James Bryan
This beginning workbook for Spiritual Formation Groups features guidelines for starting up, study plans for the first eight sessions, and a questionnaire that helps map the way ahead. Based upon five major dimensions of the spiritual life found in the life of Christ and Christian tradition: The Contemplative Tradition, The Holiness Tradition, The Charismatic Tradition, The Social Justice Tradition, and The Evengelical Tradition, this workbook program provides all the necessary ingredients to start and keep running a Spiritual Formation Group.

Sno AC074
The Power of Asset Mapping:
How Your Congregation Can Act on Its Gifts
         2004          —          —
Snow, Luther K.
Asset mapping isn’t a new system or theory. It’s a way of thinking, a doorway into an “open-sum” perspective rooted in the Bible and common experience. Written by long-time community developer, Luther K. Snow, shows congregational leaders how to help a group recognize its assets and the abundance of God’s gifts and to act on them in ministry and mission. Congregations will find the book easy to read and immediately useful.

Spi AC068
40 Days and 40 Bytes:
Making Computers Work for Your Congregation
         —          —          —
Spiegel, Aaron; Armstrong, Nancy; and Bill, Brent
No abstract.

Sta AC100
Alive Again: Recession and Recovery in the Churches
Anglican Book Centre          1999          144 pp.          SC
Stackhouse, Reginald
After a generation of unprecedented recession, signs of a Christian recovery are now appearing. Dr. Stackhouse has travelled across the country to visit “growth churches” both rural and urban, old and new, large and small. He recounts their stories and considers the reasons for growth. Instead of supplying statistics, Alive Again offers a picture of Christianity with a human face – one that is smiling again.

Ste AC179
Faith, Focus and Leadership:
Keys to Excellence in Six Episcopal Churches 
Forward Movement Publications          1990          127 pp.          SC
Stebinger, Peter A.R.
Six churches, varying in size from 33 to 680 members, are profiled here, with budgets ranging from $26,500 to $289,000 annually, and worship styles from staid traditional to exuberant liberal. Yet the study revealed extraordinary similarities and areas of common practice. In each of these churches, the basics of the faith are taught and lived out in much the same way, the community has a primary focus for its common life, and the congregation is led by a highly skilled priest who provides the key leadership. Strong clerical leadership leads to strong lay leadership and high levels of lay involvement.

Ste AC078
Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times
          —          —          —
Steinke, Peter L.
No abstract.

Ste AC079
How Your Church Family Works: 
Understanding Congregations as Emotional Systems
The Alban Institute           1993          128 pp.          SC
Steinke, Peter L.
Drawing on the work of previous writers and on his own counselling experience, the author shows how to recognize and to deal with the emotional roots of issues such as church conflict, leadership roles, congregational change, irresponsible behaviour and the effects of family of origin on current relationships.

Ste AC158
Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach                                                                                                                             The Alban Institute          1996          2006          118 pp.           SC
Steinke, Peter L.
The author of the conflict resolution process called Bridge-Builders provides the preventative prescription for such situations, enabling congregations to be proactive in maintaining a healthy attitude and atmosphere within the relational body they share together. The clarity of presentation, combined with superb illustrations and examples from other disciplines, especially medicine, as well as biblically based connections, allows the reader a way to grasp the essence of what healthy communities look like.

Ste AC047
The Equipping Pastor:
A Systems Approach to Congregational Leadership
         1993          —          —
Stevens, R. Paul; and Collins, Phil
An essential book for pastors who want to take the vocation of their church members seriously. Drawing on a rich understanding of social process, leadership styles, and systems theory, the authors offer ten specific ways in which equipping pastors can empower the laity for mission.

Sum AC022
Telling the Story of the Local Church: 
The Who, What, When, Where and Why of Communication  
          1979          —          —
Sumrall, Velma; and Germany, Lucille
Opens up new avenues of ministry by putting to use the instruments of mass communication. A must for anyone who believes that evangelism can be more than one-to-one communication. For the non-professional.

Swe AC180
Leadership in a Successful Parish 
Harper & Row          1987          203 pp.          SC
Sweetser, Thomas; and Holden, Carol Wisniewski
A respected consulting team to churches lays out the qualities necessary for successful and productive parish ministry, and provides an excellent addition to a body of literature that not only improves parish life, but also gives priests and other leaders a firm sense of direction and guidance, as well as a sense of encouragement and hope. It is practical, well researched, and has all the earmarks of proven experience. It offers clear, specific ideas for strengthening parish leadership skills.

Tho AC089
Church on the Edge of Somewhere:
Ministry, Marginality and the Future
The Alban Institute           2007           137 pp.          SC
Thompson, George B., Jr.
Many congregations today exist in the “middle of nowhere,” living comfortably with the surrounding culture and focusing their energies on serving the needs of members. These congregations have many strengths and gifts that they can exercise without changing a thing. But Thompson envisions a deeper, ore prophetic call for congregations: a “church on the edge of somewhere,” one that is deeply engaged in ministering to the community while calling on others to commit to doing the same. Congregations are invited to find the edge of “empathetic marginality,” which calls leaders and churches to risk comfort and security in order to engage the world with a transforming vision of the gospel.

Tow AC159
The Effective Church Committee:
A Member’s Handbook                                                                                                                            
Resource Publications           2000           38 pp.           SC
Towson, Louis A.
Become a Spiritual Giant. Serve on a Church Committee! Serving on a church committee may not sound like a spiritual growth opportunity, but it is. Certainly meetings can be long, assignments can be difficult, feelings can be hurt. But, as the author says, the Gospel gets carried out in the real world—and a church committee is as real as it gets. If you learn to play your part, committee work can proceed more smoothly and even become a pleasure. This entertaining book tells you how to make it happen.

Van AC088
The Church of All Ages:
Generations Worshiping Together
The Alban Institute           2008          225 pp.          SC
Vanderwell, Howard, ed.
Nine writers – pastors, teachers, worship planners, and others serving in specialized ministries – offer their reflections on issues congregational leaders need to address as they design their worship ministry. In particular, how can congregations hold the generations together when they worship? Is it even possible? Contributors do not propose easy answers or instant solutions. Rather they guide readers as they craft ministries and practices that fit their own community, heritage and history. Each chapter includes questions for reflection and group discussions, and an appendix provides guidelines for small group use.

Vin AC134 
Speaking About Money:
Reducing the Tension
Herald Press          2001          144 pp.        SC
Vincent, Mark L.
This book is enormously helpful for lay, clergy, and congregations. The basic premise is that giving is first an act of worship, and yet so often it is reduced to nothing more than meeting the annual church budget. The insights here nurture a kind of generosity that grows out of worshipful trust in God. This is an instructional and inspired work that is practical and theologically sound and addresses everything from talking about faith and money to how the church manages its funds. 

Wal AC037
Co-operating Congregations:
Portraits of Mission Strategies
         1999          —          —
Waldkoenig, Gibson A. C.; and Avery, William O.
The author provides a model and strategy for cooperative parishes with shared ministries; shares stories of such parishes in rural communities with deteriorating economic circumstances situations.

Wee AC087
Church Leadership:
Vision, Team, Culture and Integrity
Abingdon Press          1993          144 pp.          SC
Weems, Lovett H.
The author identifies four crucial elemets of effective leadership in the church. Vision is a picture of a preferred future; team is those needed for the vision to become a reality;culture is the locus of change; and integrity is the congruency of the vision and reality for both the leader and the church. By drawing from current research and secular literature, Dr. Weems applies the best of contemporary thinking to the task of developing vital church leaders.

Wes AC124
Will Our Children Have Faith?
Harper Collins          1976          126pp.          SC
Westerhoff, John H. III
The author describes his book as “an invitation to engage ourselves in renewed conversations about the future of religious education, to debate foundational issues, and to rethink the Church’s educational mission and ministry.” He proposes an alternative for evaluating, planning, and engaging in religious education, intending to stimulate reflection, conversation and debate. He nevertheless recognizes that, “I’ve spoken a first word, the last should not be spoken too soon.”

Wes AC129           (missing)
Building God’s People in a Materialistic Society
Harper & Row          1989          148 pp.          SC
Westerhoff, John H. III
Practical theology, the author argues, is comprised of five elements: these are the liturgical, the moral, the spiritual, the pastoral, and the catechetical dimensions. In applying them to the church’s stewardship of itself and of the world, he focuses primarily on the catechetical dimension, though every other element is involved. Full of provocative reflection, illuminating examples, inspiring stories, and meditative analysis,  this is a book for church leaders, both clergy and lay. It is also for those who want to understand their mission as Christians in the world; for those seeking a deeper commitment but unsure of how to approach it; and for those in need of sound theological reflection on the meaning of a commitment they have already made.

Whi AC187
Growth by Accident, Death by Planning:
How NOT to Kill a Growing Congregation                                                                                                                          
Abingdon Press           2004           174 pp.           SC
Whitesel, Bob
Most of the time young, growing churches make a series of decisions based not upon careful planning and analysis, but upon necessity and intuition. These unplanned strategies owe their genesis to circumstance and are driven not by knowledge, but often simply by the church’s environment. When growth slows and churches begin to engage in more careful planning, they often ignore the reasons that led to growth to start with. The author shows churches how to correct themselves and regain growth and vitality.

Wil AC103
Learning the Way:
Reclaiming Wisdom from the Earliest Christian Communities
The Alban Institute          2009          160 pp.          SC
Williams, Cassandra D. Carkuff
Church practitioners are invited to critique their present practices and see how the wise ways of the early church communities can speak to the challenges of being and forming followers of Christ today. Williams blends her reflections on the marks and practices of the earliest Christian communities with stories drawn from her own life to form a mosaic of practical and timely ideas for building authentic Christian communities in today’s world.

Wil AC002           (missing)
Parish Administration: An Emerging Ministry
         1990          —          —
Wilson, Charles R.
A manual for those concerned with effective support services for congregational ministries.

Wil AC011
Against All Odds:
Ten Stories of Vitality in Small Churches

Jethro Publications          1982           141 pp.          SC
Wilson, Charles R.; and Davenport, Lynne
This study of ten very different small congregations is a story of enthusiasm and reassurance that will encourage small churches everywhere. Informal style which highlights the unique aspects of the congregation’s life and ministry.

Wil AC013
The Planning/Organization Workbook
          1985         —          —
Wilson, Charles R.
No abstract.

Wil AC031
Under Authority:
Supervision and Church Leadership
         —         —           —
Wilson, Charles R.
No abstract.

Wil AC160
Quest: A guide for those involved in the search for a bishop                                                                                                                            CRW Management Services          1983          95 pp.          SC
Wilson, Charles R., and Wilson, Lynne
Not a how-to manual, this book does not remove responsibility for careful process design from diocesan leaders, but contributes to the effectiveness of the task of chosing a bishop. Some dioceses go through long and complex procedures of self-study, screening, nominating, and selecting a bishop. Others choose a bishop with minimal preparation and within a short time frame. This book does not provide a set rule for any diocese, but does cover: getting started, creating a good information base, screening, interviewing, nominating, introducing candidates, and welcoming the new bishop.

Woo AC046
User Friendly Evaluation:
Improving the Work of Pastors, Programs and Laity
          1995           —           —
Woods, C. Jeff
Woods provides easy-to-use tools for beginning the process of renewal, such as “Church Distinctiveness Survey” and “Church Renewal Diagnosis Instrument” and bases the desired outcomes on “awakening”, “reformation” and “mission” giving each congregation personalized tools for effective futuring.

You AC034
Re-Creating the Church:
Communities of Eros
         2000          —          —
Young, Pamela Dickey
To have relevance in the twenty-first century, the church will have to find ways to renew, encourage, and bring spiritual nourishment;  Young offers the keys to addressing and balancing two basic human needs, the need to flourish, and the need for right relationship to allow others to flourish.  Communities of eros are those that find ways to embody what Jesus means today.